2024 Summit Schedule
Saturday, February 17th, 2024 | 8:00A - 3:30P | Russell House University Union
Sign-In at the front of the Russell House University Union and enjoy a light breakfast on us!
University of South Carolina: First Lady Ero Aggelopolou-Amiridis, USC Alumni
City of Columbia: Councilman Will Brennan
Keynote Speaker
Erinn Rowe, Harvest Hope CEO
Harvest Hope distributes an average of 20 million pounds of food every year through collaborations with over 300 non-profit agencies and initiatives. As the epidemic has shed light on many of the underlying causes of hunger, Erinn is steering the organization toward more deliberate distribution techniques to reduce barriers and promote access to healthful and nutritional foods.
Community Partners, Students, Staff/ Faculty
Community Partners: Russell House, Room 203
Students: Russell House Underground, Room 009
Staff/ Faculty: Russell House Ballroom C
Join the breakout group that most aligns with your work. Breakout groups are designed around the following categories: community partners, students, and staff/faculty. These sessions are designed for participants to collaboratively explore and develop strategies to eliminate food insecurity within our community.
We will be discussing these three topics at each table with the facilitator. The three topics for this round are Food Pantry and Best Practices, Unique Strategies Modeled at Universities, and Funding Models. This is a great opportunity to connect with those at your table and learn more about how they work in these spaces.
Enjoy lunch with us while listening to our amazing panel of student and community partners.
- Allen University: Lavell Thornton, Office of Counseling and Placement Coordinator
- Benedict College: Adrien Montalvo, Student
- Columbia Food Policy Committee: Ashley Page Bookhart, SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator
- Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy: Reylan Cook, MPP Candidate
- FoodShare: Gordon Schell, Director of Marketing and Digital Strategies
- University of South Carolina: Olivia Gillespie, Gamecock CommUnity Shop Executive Director, Student
Panel Facilitator: Dr. Ambra Hiott, Director of the USC Leadership and Service Center
North and South Carolina: use this session to create connections across the Carolinas, letting others know what you do and what you hope to work on in the future. North Carolina will be in Russell House Room 203 and South Carolina will be in the Russell House Ballroom C.
We will discuss three topics at each table with the facilitator. The three topics for this round include Scalability, Supplemental Nutrition, and Future Partnerships. This is a great opportunity to connect with those at your table and learn more about how they work in these spaces.
We would love for you to come over to the Carolina Coliseum, 701 Assembly St, Columbia, SC 29201, to take a tour of our Gamecock CommUnity shop, our free basic needs resource for USC students, faculty, and staff!