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Leadership and Service Center

Airport Shuttle Reservation

Student Government provides a shuttle to and from Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE) for students who travel during Fall break, Thanksgiving break, and Spring Break. Reservations are required. 

Riding the Shuttle

The shuttle picks up students at the corner of Greene and Sumter Streets, next to the School of Journalism and Mass Communications. If you miss a scheduled pickup, call the 24/7 shuttle hotline at 803-777-1080. The form closes one week prior to departure.

For Spring Break, the shuttle will pick students up on campus on March 7th and 8that 5:00A, 9:00A, 12:00P, and 5:00P and pick them up at the airport on March 16th at 12:00P and 5:00P.  PLEASE NOTE THIS SERVICE IS ONLY FOR THE COLUMBIA AIRPORT.

Any questions please email Emma Ormond at


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
