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My USC Lancaster

Campus Health

Wash Your Hands                          Wear Your Mask                            Check Your Temperature

The university’s mitigation plans have evolved to address the current phase of COVID-19, allowing individuals to take personal responsibility for keeping themselves healthy while being mindful of their role as members of the USC Lancaster community.

COVID-19 Testing

  • Limited, free testing kits are available at switchboard.


  • In accordance with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated to minimize the risk of severe symptoms from COVID-19.  However, vaccinations are not required.  
  • Vaccinations and boosters will be available at special vaccination events on campus.

Face Coverings

  • Face coverings are optional or as suggested by exposure.

Isolation (if you test positive for COVID-19)

  • Following the most updated guidelines from the CDC and SCDHEC, students, faculty and staff who test positive for COVID-19 will be expected to isolate for 5 full days to prevent the spread of illness, regardless of vaccination status.
  • Following this isolation, if symptoms completely resolve, the individual may leave isolation but must wear a face covering at all times for an additional 5 days when around others.
  • Personal responsibility and planning are essential, as students and families must devise an individualized isolation plan should they test positive while attending the USC Lancaster.


  • Begin to isolate as soon as you receive your results or as soon as you are symptomatic while awaiting results. This means no class, work or leaving your isolation location for anything but medical care.
  • Even fully vaccinated individuals can become infected and test positive for COVID-19. You will still need to follow isolation protocols.
  • Please activate your isolation plan. You should either go home to isolate with your family or in another off-campus location.  Isolating in place should only be utilized as a last resort measure.
  • Students can arrange formal communication by contacting your professor with a picture of your test.

Notify close contacts, (those who were within 6 ft for 15 or more cumulative minutes in a 24-hr period) who were exposed to you two days before your first symptom developed or two days prior to your test if you do not have symptoms. They should test as soon as possible. If negative, they should test again if symptoms develop or 5 days after exposure. They should wear a mask around others for 10 days from the exposure. For guidance on contacting your close contacts, please visit the SC DHEC website, .  

  •  Your roommate needs to begin to isolate as soon as they are aware of their results or when symptoms first develop while they await results. This means no class, work or leaving their isolation location for anything but medical care.
  • After being exposed to COVID-19, start precautions immediately. 
    • Wear a high-quality mask or N95 any time you are around others inside your home or indoors in public.
    • Monitor for symptoms. If they develop, get tested and isolate until results are obtained.
    • Get tested on day 6 even if you do not develop symptoms. Day 0 is the day of your last exposure to someone with COVID -19.
      • If you test negative, continue taking precautions through day 10.
      • If you test positive, isolate immediately. 

You were within 6 feet of them for 15 minutes or more in a 24-hour period.
You had DIRECT PHYSICAL CONTACT with the person (e.g., kissing, hugging).
You SHARED eating or drinking utensils with them.
You came into contact with their RESPIRATORY SECRETIONS (e.g., they coughed on you).
