List of the yearly forms that you may be required to complete and return to your campus financial aid office.
Below are links to the yearly forms that you may be required to complete. These PDF forms can be completed online, then printed. The information you add will not save when you close the form. You can tab from item to item and you will need to use your mouse to click check marks in the bracket boxes and to select yes/no from drop-down menus. When you complete the form, print and sign it before submitting or mailing it to your campus Financial Aid Office.
Please choose the appropriate academic year to view a form for submission.
Dynamic Forms is an electronic form submission process that allows requested documentation to be submitted securely.
Street Address: 476 Hubbard Dr, Lancaster, SC 29720
Address: P.O. Box 889, Lancaster, SC 29721
Phone: (803) 313-7068
Fax: (803) 313-7168
Street Address: 465 James Brandt Blvd, Allendale, SC 29810
Address: P.O. Box 617, Allendale, SC 29810
Phone: (803) 584-3446
Fax: (803) 584-3884
Street Address: 200 Miller Road, Sumter, SC 29150
Phone: (803) 938-3840
Fax: (803) 938-3819
Street Address: 315 Main Street, Union, SC 29379
Address: P.O. Drawer 729, Union, SC 29379
Phone: (864) 424-8011
Fax: (864) 424-8062