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Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Placement Test Registration

Throughout the academic year, we offer both in-person and remote exams in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish placement exams.  

  • Each testing date will close and be removed from our registration site approximately one week before it takes place.  Once it has been removed, no additional students will be allowed to register for that date.
  • Before completing the form below, make sure that you know your USC email address and USC ID.  (Your USC ID contains a letter followed by 8 numbers.  For current students at USC, this can be found on the back of your Carolina Card. )  Additionally, you will be asked to select your exam language and choose a testing date. 
  • After registering for your exam, a confirmation email will be sent to your USC email address. 

  • For exams on in-person testing dates 
    In-person exams are offered throughout the fall and spring semesters.
    Students should bring a copy of their confirmation email and a Photo ID to the lobby on the ground floor of the Humanities Classroom Bldg at their scheduled testing time.
    A reminder email of this appointment will be sent to your USC email address five days prior to your scheduled testing date. 

  • For exams on remote testing dates 
    Remote exams are offered during the summer in May, June and July.
    Your exam will be available for you to access any time on your scheduled testing date.  (Your exam will open at 12:00am and will close at 11:59pm.)  Once you are ready to begin your exam, you will be required to take a short quiz to remind you of USC's policies for Academic Integrity.  Upon completion of this assessment, you will then have access to take your placement exam. 
    A reminder email with more information about your exam will also be sent to to your USC email address five days prior to your exam date.   In this email, you will learn how to download and install Respondus and will be given the opportunity at that time to take a practice quiz to make sure that Respondus has been installed correctly on your computer.  

Please note the requirements for technology before registering for a remote exam.
   All remote exams require to the use of Respondus Monitor.  Students will only be allowed to take an exam remotely if they have access to the minimum technology required for Respondus Monitor including a Windows or Mac computer, a webcam with a microphone and a broadband internet connection.  If students are not able to take the exam remotely because of issues with technology, they are encouraged to either take the exam in one of USC's computer labs with Respondus software enabled or wait and take the exam on one of our in-person testing dates.



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