New year, new you?

Healthy Carolina's guide to reaching your health and wellness goals in the new year

It's goal-setting season. For better or for worse, January always comes with bright hopes and expectations for the upcoming year. We can be better, go farther, do more than ever before.

So what changes in the weeks and months that follow Jan. 1? Why do our goals fizzle out as the year marches on?

Keep reading below to learn how to make your resolution (s)pecifc, (m)easurable, (a)chievable, (r)elevant and (t)ime sensitive.

Starting goal: I want to eat better.

'Eat better' is great places to start, but this is the time to think about the who, what, when and where of your goal.

Specific: I want to eat more vegetables.

How will you know when your goal is accomplished? Do you have a way to track your progress? Keeping your goal measurable will help you celebrate your success throughout the year.

Measurable: I want to eat a serving of vegetables with lunch and dinner.

Your goal should be realistic, but may also be outside of your comfort zone. Setting a lofty goal might be exciting, but working toward something that is possible will be more sustainable. life happens, so go ahead and leave room in your goal for schedule changes, holidays and special occasions.

Achievable: I want to eat a serving of vegetables with lunch and dinner four times a week.

How does your goal fit with your other goals and dreams? What will reaching this goal help you to do in the future? Recognizing the 'why' behind your goal will help you stick with it, even when it gets tough.

Relevant: I want to eat a serving of vegetables with lunch and dinner four times a week, because it will give me more energy during the day.

Does your goal have a deadline? A time frame can also allow you set markers for incremental check-ins. There is no rule that says your New Year's resolution has to be for an entire year. If a three or six month goal is more feasible for you, go for it.

Time sensitive: I want to eat a serving of vegetables with lunch and dinner four times a week for the next six months, because it will give me more energy during the day.

Now that you have your new and improved SMART goal, it is time to begin. Keep us updated on how your New Year's resolution is going by using the hashtag #HealthyCarolina.

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