Women's basketball is looking for a few good men — for the practice team

The women's basktball team is looking for up to 10 men who play basketball to join the practice squad. The team would like for high school athletes who are over 6 feet tall as well as some shorter to tryout for the practice team.

Participants must be full-time students at UofSC and must be vaccinated against COVID-19. Players also should have a strong knowledge of the game and be able to dribble, rebound and shoot 3-point shots as well as play solid defense.

Those selected will be expected to be at practices Monday-Friday between 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. and able to work hard to help prepare our national championship team for this year's competition. 

Being a part of the No. 1 NCAA women's basketball program has its benefits, including admission to UofSC home football games, the opportunity to register early for classes and loads of great Gamecock gear. 

Open tryouts are being held at 6 p.m. Monday (Sept. 12) at Blatt Physical Education Center. Contact Freddy Ready at 803-777-8823 or at ready@mailbox.sc.edu if you think you have what it takes to join the team. 

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