Campus Conversation: Amelia Wilks

"I currently serve as the student life intern for the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs. I have served as an intern for this office since the summer of 2018. Aside from my internship, I am one of the co-presidents for the National Pan-Hellenic Council. I didn't decide to come to USC until two weeks before the May 1 deadline. I originally wanted to go to UNC Charlotte because being from Columbia, USC was a little too close to home. When I reconsidered all of my options, I loved the idea of attending the university where my parents both became the first members of their family to earn a degree. I currently don't have plans for Family Weekend, however, my dad typically comes down to tailgate so I may stop and see him. Now that I'm a senior, aside from attending a university 30 minutes from home, family weekend has occurred many times for me. The best part of having family close by is definitely the easy access to a home-cooked meal or money! Whenever I have bad weeks or bad days, knowing they're right down I-26 is extremely comforting. It makes this 'adulting' process a little easier. Aside from making a last-minute decision, attending this university and sharing this institution with my parents is easily one of my favorite things. I wouldn't trade these past three years—now four—for the world. Getting involved at the best university has allowed me to have the best student experience."

Amelia Wilks, senior public health major

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