Finals Tips: How to ace your finals
Posted on: November 24, 2021; Updated on: November 24, 2021
By Cam Adams, stucomm@mailbox.sc.edu
With finals just around the corner, you may be feeling a bit stressed. Lauren Brown of the Student Success Center has helped us put together a list of tips to guide you through the most stressful time of the year.
Come up with a study plan
Before hitting the books, you need to know what to expect for the exam. When and where are your exams? Are your exams cumulative or do they cover the last few weeks? What is the format of your exam?
Knowing this information can help you determine how you need to study for each exam and when you need to start studying for each exam. It’s recommended that students spread their studying out seven days before their exam.
Brown also advises that students break their studying up into “chunks” within that week. For each chunk, determine what you want to cover, what your study strategy will be and the amount of time you’ll need.
Once you get to the day before the exam, you should do a general review of the material with a focus on your weakest areas.
Lastly, study smarter, not harder. Once you get back from Thanksgiving break, you should start to implement your study plan.
Use campus resources
Another way to study effectively for finals is to make use of campus resources. The Student Success Center can be your go-to for all of your finals needs.
In partnership with Russell House, the center will be hosting over 50 two-hour finals review sessions starting Dec. 4 and running through the remainder of finals week.
Students can also drop into Russell House for tutoring between Dec. 1 and 4, and schedule one-on-one appointments on the Mezzanine level of the Thomas Cooper Library beginning Dec. 6. More info on these resources can be found on the student success center website.
Remember to take care of yourself
Although finals week is a very important time of the semester, it’s also important to take care of yourself and prioritize your mental health.
Remember to take periodic breaks throughout your study time as it allows your mind to reset. It is also important to remember to get a good night’s sleep, giving your brain the rest it needs to ace your finals.
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