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Environmental Health and Safety

USTs (Underground Storage Tanks)

On July 15, 2015, the EPA published revised Underground Storage Tank (UST) regulations which strengthened the emphasis on properly operating and maintaining UST equipment.

The revision helps prevent and detect UST releases and ensures all regulated USTs in the United States meet the same minimum standards. Tanks used for storing heating oil for consumptive use on the premises where stored (such as fuel for boilers) are not regulated USTs.

Changes to regulated USTs include:

  • Adding secondary containment for new and replaced tanks and piping
  • Adding operator training requirements
  • Providing periodic operation and maintenance requirements for UST systems
  • Removing past deferrals for emergency generator tanks, airport hydrant systems, and field-constructed tanks
  • Updating codes of practice

Training Requirements

In addition to EPA requirements, SC DHEC also requires operation guidelines and documented training for USTs:

  • Class A and B Operators — persons having primary responsibility for on-site operation and maintenance of underground storage tank systems.
  • Class C Operator — Daily, onsite employees having primary responsibility for addressing emergencies presented by a spill or release from an underground storage tank system.

Operator Requirements

South Carolina Class A/B and C operators were required as of August 8, 2011. Each facility is required to have at least one A/B operator and C operator, and one individual can handle all three duties. Tank owners must designate in writing their A, B, and C operators for SC DHEC and ensure that operators receive required training.

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