Finals weeks at T-Coop

Thomas Cooper Library has everything you need for finals week from extra study space to free snacks.

More study space: Rooms 118, 204 and 412 will be open Monday-Thursday (Dec. 5-8). The Hollings Library Program Room will be open Monday and Tuesday (Dec. 5-6), 9 a.m.–4 p.m. 

Snacks: The Treat Trolley will be making its rounds at T-Coop twice daily with snacks and drinks to keep you fueled up.

Prescription Paws: Take a break from studying and get pet therapy from adorable pups on Tuesday (Dec. 6), 2:30–4 p.m.

For grad students: The graduate student lounge will be stocked with snacks Monday through Wednesday and have coffee available.

Explore University Libraries to learn more about what's available at T-Coop. 

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