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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • Critical Thinking

Teaching Critical Thinking


In a global information environment, is answer-finding still the best approach for students to learn? The ability to think critically, applying strategies across situations, is more important than ever before. Teaching critical thinking requires students to explore topics that may not be clearly defined. Such activities require continual synthesis (inductive) and analysis (deductive) practice using many variables. Students ask questions to find answers. Successful instruction in this context requires association between hierarchal learning theory and instructional practice. Come join the discussion relating theory to practice in teaching critical thinking.

About the Facilitator

Christy Friend has served as director of the Center for Teaching Excellence since January 2013. She is a professor of English whose specialty areas include composition theory and pedagogy, rhetoric and community literacy. She has worked in writing program administration at several institutions and most recently directed First-Year English at USC from 2008–2012. Christy has co-authored several writing textbooks, including "The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers" (9th ed., 2010) and "Beyond Words: Cultural Texts for Reading and Writing" (3rd ed., 2012), and her scholarly work has appeared in College English, Rhetoric Review, Composition Studies and other journals.

This event is sponsored by the Center for Teaching Excellence.


Teaching Critical Thinking

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
