Resilience, Reflection, Rebuilding: Students Respond to COVID-19
We are bringing together multiple campus communities to help students make sense of these challenging times, process, and heal together through art expression.
Please join us by submitting one piece of 2-dimensional artwork based on the theme above. We will be creating a virtual art show of all artwork submitted and have plans to select some pieces for an on campus show at each campus and Richland Library Main during spring 2020.
Art submissions are due on 10/2/20 by noon and can be submitted to Amanda Noyes in Close-Hipp suite 102, please contact at to schedule a drop off day and time.
Art Show will be virtual in October.
Columbia College Students submit artwork to Kristin Brooks | Edens Library 118
University of South Carolina students submit artwork to Amanda Noyes | Close-Hipp
Building, Suite 102
Midlands Technical College students submit artwork to Casey Cline | Beltline Student
Center Suite 239
For more details/questions please contact: Casey Cline | |