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Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Our People

Meagan Cobb Heath

Title: CPLT Ph.D. Candidate
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department: Languages, Literatures & Cultures
College of Arts and Sciences
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Meagan Cobb Heath

Meagan Heath is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Spanish Program. She earned both an AB in Spanish and a MA in Hispanic Studies from the University of Georgia. Her dissertation is titled “Ecoaldeas as a Critical Dystopic Landscape.” In her dissertation, she examines the didactic functions of the ecoaldea (ecovillage) in contemporary Peninsular Spanish narratives by focusing on the intersection of ecocultural studies, environmental humanities, ecocriticism, and urban cultural studies in each work. Meagan is a recipient of the Bilinski Dissertation Fellowship for the 2023-2024 school year, which provides a teaching release and funding for graduate students in their last year of study. She recently presented Dystopian Musings on the Commons: Peak oil, Post-capitalism, and Permaculture” at ASLE’s (Association for the Study of Literature and Environment) Biennial Conference in Portland, Oregon.

Meagan aspires to pursue a career in academia, as she also has a passion for teaching and service. When she is teaching, she aims to foster an inclusive, community-driven atmosphere that inspires students to use the language they learn within the classroom outside of the classroom. As Vice President of the LLC Graduate Student Association, she is excited to serve her fellow graduate students through various projects and initiatives.

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