Faculty and Staff
Sara E Emerson, M.D.
Title: | Assistant Professor |
Pediatrics | |
School of Medicine Greenville | |
E-mail: | sara.emerson@prismahealth.org |

Background: | I grew up in Pennsylvania, attending both college and medical school there before moving to North Carolina for residency. After residency, I completed a chief year and then moved to South Carolina with my husband to pursue a faculty appointment within Greenville Health System. I am fortunate to have two wonderful dogs. I enjoy cooking and baking as well as traveling. |
Honors & Awards: | Alumni Scholarship Dean's Scholarship Captain St. Paul Lutheran Scholarship Bob McCormick's Ford Scholarship BPW Scholarship Mid-Atlantic Division Scholar Athlete Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society Four-year Varsity Letter Winner Wilkes University Academic Scholarship |
Professional Affiliations: | American Academy of Pediatrics Member Charlotte Pediatric Society Member North Carolina Pediatric Society Member CMC Pediatric Residency Program Sentinel Task Force Other - Committee Member Kamuzu Central Hospital, Lilongwe, Malawi Other - Resident (Away Rotation) Penn State College of Medicine Class 2011 Other - Class Officer, Social Chair Heme/Onc Interest Group Other - Community Service Chair Penn State College of Medicine Orientation Other - Committee Member Penn State College of Medicine Second Look Day Other - Host and Volunteer Wilkes University Admissions and Student Affairs Dept Other - E-mentor Wilkes University Admissions and Student Affairs Dept Other - Orientation Leader |