Faculty and Staff
Matthew F. Hudson, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Title: | Professor |
Medicine | |
School of Medicine Greenville | |
E-mail: | matt.hudson@prismahealth.org |
Phone: | 864-455-4845 |
Office: | 701 Grove Road Greenville SC 29605 |
Background: | Dr. Matthew F. Hudson is the Director of Cancer Care Delivery Research (CCDR) at Prisma Health (Greenville, South Carolina). Dr. Hudson conducts and oversees research on interventions mediating patient, clinician, and organizational factors influencing cancer care outcomes and patient well-being. Hudson is the Vice Chair of a national community oncology research base’s CCDR Committee (NRG Oncology). He also serves Prisma Health as a Health Sciences Center Research Director facilitating embedded researchers’ induction and production within the health care environment. Hudson holds a faculty appointment at the University of South Carolina’s Arnold School of Public Health, where he previously taught an introductory course in comparative effectiveness research. He also holds faculty appointments at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, Clemson University School of Nursing, Clemson University School of Health Research, Clemson University’s Department of Public Health Sciences, and Wake Forest School of Medicine. Hudson also served as a member of the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute’s (PCORI) Patient Engagement Advisory Panel. |
Teaching Interest(s): | Teaching Philosophy I gleaned my teaching philosophy from previous mentors encouraging critical thought, not merely soliciting an “answer” to a question. I envision the classroom as a sanctuary for students to explore their interest in a climate of mutual respect for their ideas, experience, and their scholarly enterprise. I believe nurturing this environment emboldens students to tenably observe, measure, and ultimately challenge the status quo. As a Doctor of Philosophy, I assume responsibility for enhancing a student’s ability to critique, to best elucidate the Truth to which we are all subject. Health service research provides an excellent context for exploring not merely internally valid methods, but the values and preferences motivating topic selection and investigative methods. My prior experience introducing students to tenets of comparative effectiveness research (CER) encouraged students to explore the rationale for why and how national organizations like the National Academies of Medicine prioritized CER topics, and the implications related thereto. Thus, I challenged students to not merely ponder the merits of study design or accept research topic priorities on their face. Rather, I encourage students to consider the rationale for its fundamental utility, who/which stakeholder values the inquiry, and the end the research presumably addresses/meets. I challenge students to ponder observational targets not as a happenstance, or necessarily motivated by existing knowledge gaps. Rather, I encourage students to consider topic identification and priority a function of the constituent empowered to determine who, where, and how to develop research. Thus, I encouraged comparative effectiveness considerations beyond traditional methodology. I encourage students to critically consider the community scholarship purports to serve. I also encouraged students to consider how patients may inform research strategies using their values and preferences (e.g., patient-centered outcomes research). In this way, I encourage students to view their learning, practice, and subsequent instruction as a sacred vocation and stewardship. Undergirding my philosophical approach to teaching health service research, I strive to achieve the following goals in my teaching activities: Develop a curriculum balancing health service research breadth and depth; this includes alerting students to where their specific research interest informs, and is informed by: basic science, translational research, comparative effectiveness, patient-centered outcomes research, and implementation science. Describe the way clinical practitioners and health administrators collaborate to facilitate knowledge gap address. This includes negotiating founded and unfounded assumptions clinical practitioners make about the subject matter, and the researchers or clinicians themselves. Help students develop communication (oral and expository) skills advancing transdisciplinary approaches to problem solving indicative of Team Science Provide a positive and respectful learning environment promoting student interaction Additionally, I recognize my courses and independent study is not an isolated undertaking. My course should both inform and be informed by the academic department or program in which it resides. Consequently, I share my course content with fellow faculty members, allowing us to strategize where/how course content aligns and advances the program’s fundamental aspirations for the students we educate. My course instruction and student mentoring is particularly consistent with School of Medicine Greenville Guiding Principle 3, “[g]raduate physicians who understand comparative effectiveness research and are champions for patient safety, high-value, evidence-based care and continuous quality improvement” (https://sc.edu/study/colleges_schools/medicine_greenville/about/mission.php) Finally, I view my teaching responsibilities as a sacred mentorship requiring my personal investment. I strive not merely to develop my students’ aptitude for content mastery, I strive to provide an environment whereby students teach me their aspirations and motivations. I may then tailor my pedagogy to clinical practice and public health approaches that reflect and advance students’ own unique and equally sacred charge. Course Development and Instruction Small Group Faculty Member: 2022 National Cancer Institute (NCI) Multilevel Intervention Training Institute (MLTI). This six-month institute provides doctoral-level practitioners (M.D., Ph.D.) grounding in multilevel intervention research specifically focused on cancer, across the cancer control continuum (https://healthcaredelivery.cancer.gov/mlti/calendar.html). My duties included co-leading/facilitating breakout sessions on specific MLTI curricula topics, providing students feedback on assignments, and facilitating students’ capstone presentations (see Appendix A for NCI affirmation of Scope of Work; no instructor-specific student evaluations available). Course Director 2010-1027 “Comparative Effectiveness Research: Interface Opportunity for Public Health and Medicine” (University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health HSPM 800): From 2010 through 2017, I served as Course Director for Health Services Policy and Management Course 800 (University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health). I entitled my course, “Comparative Effectiveness Research: Interface Opportunity for Public Health and Medicine. I designed this course for first and second-year Ph.D. students focused on Health Services, Policy and Management. The course introduced students to the rationale and fundamental tenets motivating comparative effectiveness research (CER), and CER’s applicability to both public health and clinical practice domains (see Appendix B for syllabus). Further, my class provided a forum for first and second-year Ph.D. students to develop presentation and writing skills that informed their subsequent Dissertation development and indoctrination into the Community of Scholars. My course consistently received favorable ratings (Appendix C includes HSPM 800 student evaluations for 2011, 2012, 2014 & 2016, 2017; per guidelines, select University Departments do not collect evaluations for classes with less than 3 students enrolled-years 2010, 2013, 2015). Lecturer 2013-2015: Clinical Problems in Anesthesia (University of South Carolina PHPH 760-001 Fall). In addition to my own course, I “guess lectured” in the University of South Carolina Nurse Anesthetist program (see Appendix D for 2013-2015 student evaluations). My class lectures introduced students to fundamental tenets of health service research and implications for the Nurse Anesthetist profession. Lecturer 2018-Present: Clinical and Translational Science (Clemson University HLTH 8120 Fall). This course introduces students to concepts and theories of clinical and translational science. My lecture focuses on health care delivery system challenges amenable to comparative effectiveness and patient centered outcomes research (no lecture/week-specific student evaluations available). Prisma Health Lecturer 2010-Present: Prisma Health Medical Experience Academy. The Medical Experience Academy (Med Ex) provides rising high school seniors and college students robust exposure to an array of health service careers (https://academics.prismahealth.org/academics/education/medex-academy) . Teaching opportunities include experience-appropriate lectures on patient-centered outcome research and overseeing select students’ independent study (no lecture student evaluations available). Course Co-Developer & Co-Lecturer 2021 Prisma Health’s Department of Medicine Resident and Fellow Research Education Series. This lecture series educated Department of Medicine Residents and Fellows on hypothesis development and research design. My assigned lecture sessions provided a bi-directional teaching/learning opportunity-residents received research design insights, and resident feedback guided me toward subsequent curriculum refinement; feedback incorporation will ensure more pragmatic and accessible lessons for those less accomplished in research (see Appendix E for student evaluations-overall and lecture-specific). Student Mentorship Anja Zgodic (Ph.D. Candidate in Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health). Consistent with team learning and teaching, I collaborated with Dr. Jan Eberth (former Arnold School of Public Health Faculty Member) co-steward Ms. Zgodic’s education. Dr. Eberth and I collaborated on a project seeking to understand multilevel predictors of guideline-concordant needle biopsy use for non-metastatic breast cancer. Dr. Eberth and I instructed Ms. Zgodic in guideline practice opportunities and challenges within and outside the health system. Dr. Eberth and I also educated Ms. Zgodic in hypothesis development and testing. This work resulted in a publication where I served as the senior/corresponding author, Dr. Eberth served as the second author, and Ms. Zgodic served as the lead author: Zgodic, A., Eberth, J.M., Smith, B.D., Zahnd, W.E., Adams, S.A., McKinley, B.P., Horner, R.D., O’Rourke, M.A., Blackhurst, D.W., & Hudson, M.F.* (2021) Multilevel Predictors of Guideline Concordant Needle Biopsy Use for Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment https://doi.org/10.1007/s10549-021-06352-y Alicia Oostdyk (Ph.D. Candidate in Health Services Policy and Management, Ph.D. earned ca. 2020). I collaborated with Dr. Melanie Cozad (former Arnold School of Public Health Faculty Member) to inform Ms. Oostdyk’s academic development specific to patient-centered outcomes research. This education partnership produced two national conference abstracts and one institutional/local conference abstract (poster presentations canceled due to Covid-19 Pandemic) Oostdyk, A., Craddock, C., Evans, P., McCarthy, M., Jindal, M., Hudson, M.F, Cozad, M. Building Collaborative Partnerships to Develop a Shared Decision-Making Tool to Encourage Informed Colorectal Cancer Screening. The Power of Partnering with Patients to Design and Test a Mobile Application for Rheumatoid Arthritis. 9th International Conference on Patient and Family Centered Care. Partnerships for Quality Safety and Equity. Nashville, TN. August 2020. (Poster accepted) Oostdyk A., Craddock C, Tyson N, Rader S, Hudson MF, Jindal M, Cozad M. "Voicing My Choice: A Qualitative Evaluation of Patients' Perceived Usefulness of a Patient-Centered Option Tool for Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Internal Medicine Clinic." Accepted for poster presentation for ISPOR 2020, Orlando, FL, May 16-20, 2020. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19, abstract to be published in Value in Health at https://www.valueinhealthjournal.com/article/S1098-3015(20)30580-5/pdf ) Oostdyk A, Craddock C, Tyson N, Rader S, Hudson MF, Jindal M, Cozad M. "What colorectal cancer screening option is right for me? Evaluating patient perceptions of a decision aid supporting preference formation." Accepted for poster presentation at 2020 Health Sciences Center Research Showcase, Prisma Health, Greenville, SC, April 8, 2020. (Cancelled due to COVID-19, abstract published at https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/63246914/hsc-research-showcase-accepted-abstracts-april-2020 Nyrobi Tyson (M.P.H. Student, Health Services, Policy and Management, Arnold School of Public Health). Dr. Cozad and I also collaborated to advance Ms. Tyson’s scholarly acumen in health services and patient-centered outcomes research. This education partnership produced two institutional/local conference abstracts (poster presentations canceled due to Covid-19 Pandemic) Tyson, N., Nourse, A., Craddock, C. Oostdyk, A., Jindal, MF. Hudson, M.F, Cozad, M.J. Systematic Review of Decision Aids for Colorectal Cancer Screenings, Prisma Upstate Research Showcase. Greenville, SC, April 2019. Tyson N., Hudson MF, Jindal M, Cozad M. "Realist synthesis – understanding how decision aids can lead to shared decision making and increased colorectal cancer screening." Accepted for poster presentation at 2020 Health Sciences Center Research Showcase, Prisma Health, Greenville, SC, April 8, 2020. Cancelled due to COVID-19, abstract published at https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/63246914/hsc-research-showcase-accepted-abstracts-april-2020 Shelby Rader (Medical Student, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville). Dr. Cozad and I collaborate to inform Ms. Rader’s development as a clinical scholar well-versed in social determinants of health. I supplement Dr. Cozad’s instruction by refining Ms. Rader’s exposition and health service awareness. Our collective efforts resulted in an institutional/local conference abstract (poster presentation canceled due to Covid-19 Pandemic). Rader S., Oostdyk A., Hudson MF, Jindal M, Cozad M. "What motivates socioeconomically disadvantaged adults to get colorectal cancer screening done?" Accepted for poster presentation at 2020 Health Sciences Center Research Showcase, Prisma Health, Greenville, SC, April 8, 2020. Cancelled due to COVID-19, abstract published at https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/63246914/hsc-research-showcase-accepted-abstracts-april-2020 Rhett Grinstead, M.D. (Resident, Prisma Health, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville Graduate). Similar to Ms. Rader, Dr. Cozad and I advanced Dr. Grinstead’s aptitude for examining social determinants of preventive behavior. I supplement Dr. Cozad’s mentorship by informing study development and implementation. Our collective efforts resulted in an institutional/local conference abstract (poster presentation canceled due to Covid-19 Pandemic). Grinstead R., Jindal M, Oostdyk A, Tyson N, Hudson MF, Cozad M, Rader S. "Catch it early: Importance and knowledge of colorectal cancer screening to the uninsured and underinsured." Accepted for poster presentation at 2020 Health Sciences Center Research Showcase, Prisma Health, Greenville, SC, April 8, 2020. Cancelled due to COVID-19, abstract published at https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/63246914/hsc-research-showcase-accepted-abstracts-april-2020 Education Research and Scholarship Select publications evidence my investment in educating students and practitioners in team-based health service research approaches. Select publications provide fundamental insights related to team building, research education, and study implementation. The noted publications educate stakeholders on comparative effectiveness, implementation science, and team science strategies. The publications also enhance stakeholders’ capacity to confidently initiate the investigative phases indicative of a rapid-learning health care system: problem identification, evaluation design, implementation, evaluation, adjustment, and dissemination. Research and team building insights informing the publications below well position me to educate an array of variably-experienced practitioners and academicians. Hudson, M.F. (2013). A Primer of Research Strategies Undertaken in Health Centers. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 6, 93-98. This discussion defines various research approaches undertaken in health care or health promotion settings, notably basic science research, translational research, comparative effectiveness research (CER), implementation sciences, and quality improvement. This discussion particularly clarifies the relationship between translational research implementation sciences, comparative effectiveness research (CER), and quality improvement; this discussion further notes how these particular efforts are included in the Health Service Research. The discussion may: (1) introduce novice researchers, practitioners and administrators to various research approaches, (2) establish shared language that enhances comprehension of research strategies sharing similar attributes, and (3) clarify future research direction and resource allocation for health researchers, administrators, and practitioners. Russ-Sellers, R., Hudson, M.F., Youkey, J.R., & Horner, R.D. (2014). Achieving Effective Health Service Research Partnerships. Medical Care, 52(4), 289-290. Both academician and clinical practitioners need to be aware of the “blind spots” inherent in their disciplines. This publication posits three antecedents to developing sound health service research teams-early and frequent communication, shared understanding of fundamental goals, and harmonizing partnership strengths. The authors argue academicians and clinicians need to be open to reconciling alternative perspectives with their traditional approach. This publication asserts transparency and respect for views of all participants characterizes effective collaboration across potential partners involved in clinically derived research; partners must recognize that each perspective is beneficial and brings value to an effective and informed health services research enterprise. Hudson, M.F. (2020). General Orders for the Embedded Researcher: Moorings for a Developing Profession. Learning Health Systems. e10254. https://doi.org/10.1002/lrh2.10254 Learning health systems increasingly welcome embedded researchers as stakeholders poised to inform evidence-based practice. While care systems are potentially familiar with the embedded researcher tools and techniques, care systems may less frequently consider embedded research as a vocation. This insensitivity potentially reduces embedded researchers to mere instruments, as opposed to professional partners in transdisciplinary research. This discussion outlines “general orders” for embedded researchers. The general orders outline embedded researchers' fundamental identity and guide conduct to encourage a shared identity among embedded researchers and clarify embedded researchers' roles in learning health system teams. Students and embedded researchers newly engaging learning health systems may particularly benefit from this rudimentary order list. Hudson, M.F. (2022). Short and Long-Term Strategies for Navigating Research-Ambivalent Organizational Cultures Besetting Embedded Researchers. Learning Health Systems https://doi.org/10.1002/lrh2.10329 Many health systems may host embedded researchers (ERs) and provide fiscal resources to encourage health service research. However, ERs may remain challenged to initiate research in these settings. This discussion examines how health system culture may impede research initiation, thereby exposing a paradox for embedded researchers immersed in research-ambivalent health systems. The discussion ultimately describes potential short-term and long-term strategies embedded researchers may employ to initiate scholarly inquiry in research-ambivalent health systems. Hudson, M.F. & Martin, J.C. Oncology Nurses May Build Patient Centered Outcomes Research Partnerships. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing (in press). Nurses are particularly poised to inform and even lead PCOR. Nurses, compared to doctors, spend more time with their patients and spend two thirds of their time undertaking communication and coordination activities such as patient interviews, team conferences, nursing handoffs, and care planning. However, nurses may remain fundamentally challenged to identify the opportunity, pathways, or possess agency to solicit stakeholders in PCOR partnerships. This discussion provides oncology nurses suggestions for developing PCOR teams, notably: affirm the patient as a PCOR team member, encourage patient-partnered research topic exploration, and reflect patient engagement predisposition to best encourage transparency and trust in research partnerships. |
Research Interest(s): | I spent the majority of my career as an embedded scholar and leader charged with transitioning a community hospital to an academic health center (Prisma Health, Greenville South Carolina). I was/am one of three Ph.D. scholars employed by a system currently employing over 30,000. I assumed numerous research administration duties at Prisma Health while building my own research portfolio and assuming teaching responsibilities. My tenure at Prisma includes serving as Administrative Director of Prisma Health’s Institutional Review Board (2016-18), where I successfully co-facilitated our institutions’ Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) reaccreditation. I also simultaneously serve as one of Prisma’s Health Sciences Center Research Directors; my responsibilities in this post included co-facilitating inter-institutional collaboration with our academic partners: Clemson University, University of South Carolina, and Furman University. I additionally serve as Prisma Cancer Institute’s Director of cancer care delivery research (CCDR). These positions, collectively, require acumen co-developing a research infrastructure as well as my own research portfolio. Thus, my scholarship reflects my responsibilities that include transitioning a care-exclusive facility to an academic enterprise. The pressing needs of a nascent learning health system directed my research efforts in three primary areas: care team research education, health care workforce challenges, and cancer care delivery research. I highlight my research in these areas, and additional contributions to the field, below. Care Team Research Education: My position as an embedded researcher in an academic health system inspired me to author a manuscript educating new scholars on their fundamental research and teaching responsibilities in learning health systems (Hudson, 2020). My administrative charge also requires educating research-naïve practitioners, and clinically-naïve researchers, the fundamental research perspectives and approaches in learning health system scholarship. Thus, I authored a primer of researcher strategies undertaken in health systems (Hudson, 2013). This publication outlined tenets of basic science, translational research, comparative effectiveness, implementation science, and quality improvement. The publication describes both the distinction and inter-relatedness of these research domains. This publication provides researchers and clinicians rudimentary insights strengthening research vocabulary and approaches to practice evaluation. Research education alone may fail to optimize stakeholder collaboration or research execution. Thus, I co-authored a publication on achieving effective health service research partnerships (Russ-Sellers, et al., 2014). This publication underscores the importance of sustained stakeholder communication to best produce pragmatic, yet empirically tenable, approaches to a shared research goal. Finally, my experience also suggests health care systems exhibit variation in cultural attributes amenable to research. Consequently, I authored a manuscript considering short and long-term strategies embedded research teams may employ to advance research within research-ambivalent health care organizations (Hudson, 2022). Collectively, my scholarship prepares researchers and practitioners for the opportunities and challenges health care teams face developing the evidence base for clinical practice. Healthcare Workforce Challenges: Workforce stressors motivate my aspiration to educate and develop health service research teams. Current and anticipated workforce shortages and increasing clinical demands draws attention to workforce health. Ailments such as migraine headaches exacerbate workforce challenges, such as absenteeism and presenteeism. Further, uncertainty regarding appropriate management exacerbates omnipresent concerns about cost-appropriate care. Thus, I assembled a team to investigate the impact of migraine headaches on health care system-employed patients (Wu, et al., 2011; Hughes, et al., 2013). Our research observed that while guideline-concordant prescribing raised pharmacy-specific costs, such prescribing reduced overall health costs. The publications revealed opportunities for care improvements directly impacting provider health, which may more distally mediate patient outcomes. The publications also evidence my ability to assemble a cadre of diverse stakeholders (e.g., Pharmacist, Neurologist, Behavioral Scientists, and Health Service Researcher) to generate scholarship immediately impacting clinical practice and policy. Cancer Care Delivery Research (CCDR): Cancer care delivery research is a multidisciplinary enterprise seeking to improve clinical outcomes and patient well-being by intervening on patient, clinician, and organizational factors influencing care delivery. I serve as the CCDR Principal Investigator on Prisma Cancer Institute’s U01 National Community Oncology Research Program Community Site Award (PI: Ki Chung, M.D., funding amount $8,233,146). I also secured a Hope Foundation Early Exploration and Development Award (PI: Hudson $59,828). This latter grant award funded my more recent scholarship examining clinical work intensity among medical oncologists (Hudson, et al, 2019). This work serves as the nexus of my healthcare workforce and CCDR interests. My team observed clinical work intensity was higher in visits requiring a terminal prognosis discussion or a chemotherapy discussion. Study insights inform our subsequent research exploring relationships between work intensity, provider well-being and burnout. My CCDR interest also includes oncologic emergency medicine. I lead authored a publication examining pain among non-Hispanic Black and non-Hispanic White patients with cancer visiting emergency departments (Hudson, 2021) and co-authored publications more broadly considering collaborative approaches to understanding cancer patients’ emergency care utilization and executing evidence-based management strategies (e.g., Caterino et al., 2019; Adler et al., 2019). I envision my CCDR interest in oncologic emergencies informing transdisciplinary approaches to inter-departmental collaborations improving care coordination. Additional Clinical/Public Health Research Contributions: Apart from my own research portfolio, I am equally invested in other domains of academic service. I serve as Co-Editor in Chief for the Journal of Participatory medicine. I am a member of the editorial board for the Journal of the National Cancer Institute-Cancer Spectrum, as well as Emergency Cancer Care. I am an ad-hoc reviewer for various clinical and public health journals including Medical Care, the Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, and Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Thus, I commit to academic service advancing results dissemination. I previously served as a Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Patient Engagement Advisory Panel Member. This committee informs PCORI strategies advancing patient representativeness and agency in research. I also operationalize these aspirations in service to Prisma Health’s Patient Engagement Studio-our patient researcher panel (https://hsc.ghs.org/research/pes/). I serve the Engagement Studio as a research expert, and co-authored a non-peer review document describing activities our team initiated to build trust begetting effective patient/researcher partnerships. Additionally, I serve the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) as an external consultant/advisor to their Collaborative for Health Equity (CHARGE). The committee includes scholars invested in addressing needs of underrepresented populations. I also evidence this interest in co-authored publications exploring factors predicting use of medical interpreters (Mayo, et al., 2016), stakeholder engagement strategies for addressing racism in health care (Hudson, 2021), and fundamentally revisiting the means and opportunity to equitably apply the scientific method (Fortuna, et al., 2022). I currently serve as a grant reviewer (“merit reviewer”) for PCORI’s “Improving Methods for Conducting PCORI” study section. The National Cancer Institute also solicited me to serve on the forthcoming study section for PAR20-077-National Cancer Institute Program Project Applications. The National Institute of Minority Health also solicited me to serve on their forthcoming review panel for their 2023 Loan Repayment Program merit review (NOT-OD-22-151; NOT-OD-22-150; NOT-OD-22-153). I previously served as a grant reviewer for the State of New Hampshire, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and AAMC. Thus, I am particularly invested in evaluating studies for their national impact. Summary and Future Research Directions: The description above describes my research and publications in three domains: care team research education informing team science, health care workforce wellness, and cancer care delivery research. My future research projects will include preparing, executing, and evaluating embedded researchers in popular health service researcher domains (e.g., Patient-Centered Outcomes Research and Implementation Science). I will also continue directing my research toward cancer care delivery. I additionally aspire to enhance my scholarly service through continued grant application and manuscript reviewing; I hope my own research and academic service position me for additional journal editorial board responsibilities. Ultimately, I intend for my research portfolio to inform immediate and lasting improvements in both clinical practice and public health. These latter aspirations are the most salient metric by which I will judge my success. Statement of Research References (See CV for complete list): Adler, D., Abar, B., Durham, D. D., Bastani, A., Bernstein, S. L., [et al., including Hudson, M.F.] (2019). Validation of the Emergency Severity Index (Version 4) for the Triage of Adult Emergency Department Patients With Active Cancer. The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 57(3), 354-361. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jemermed.2019.05.023 Caterino, J. M., Adler, D., Durham, D. D., Yeung, S.-C. J., Hudson, M. F., Bastani, A., . . . Lyman, G. H. (2019). Analysis of Diagnoses, Symptoms, Medications, and Admissions Among Patients With Cancer Presenting to Emergency Departments. JAMA Network Open, 2(3), e190979-e190979. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.0979 Fortuna K.L., Hudson M.F., Myers A., Kadakia A., Rivera J., & Nutz T. (2022) How can we achieve health equity? Revisit the premise informing the scientific method. Health Expectations;25:1-3. Hudson, M. F. (2013). A primer of research strategies undertaken in health centers. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 6, 93-98. doi:10.2147/JMDH.S42322 Hudson, M. F., O’Rourke, M. A., Blackhurst, D. W., Caldwell, J., & Horner, R. D. (2019). Clinical Work Intensity Among Medical Oncologists Practicing in National Community Oncology Research Program Community Sites. Journal of Oncology Practice, 15(10), e870-e877. doi:10.1200/jop.19.00132 Hudson M.F. (2020) General orders for the embedded researcher: Moorings for a developing profession. Learning Health Systems 2020; n/a:e10254. Hudson M.F., Strassels S.A., Durham D.D., et al. (2021) Examining pain among non-Hispanic Black and non-Hispanic White patients with cancer visiting emergency departments: CONCERN (Comprehensive Oncologic Emergencies Research Network). Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. Hudson M.F. (2021) Review of: Pathway Model IDC WVU Faculty Senate: Understanding and Dismantling Racism: Crowdsourcing a Pathway Model in Appalachia. Journal of Appalachian Health;3:124-9. Hudson M.F. (2022) Short- and long-term strategies for navigating research-ambivalent organizational cultures besetting embedded researchers. Learning Health Systems; n/a:e10329. Hughes, M. D., Wu, J., Williams, T. C., Loberger, J. M., Hudson, M. F., Burdine, J. R., & Wagner, P. J. (2013). The experience of headaches in health care workers: opportunity for care improvement. Headache, 53(6), 962-969. doi:10.1111/head.12069 Mayo, R., Parker, V. G., Sherrill, W. W., Coltman, K., Hudson, M. F., Nichols, C. M., . . . Pribonic, A. P. (2016). Cutting Corners: Provider Perceptions of Interpretation Services and Factors Related to Use of an Ad Hoc Interpreter. Hisp Health Care Int, 14(2), 73-80. doi:10.1177/1540415316646097 Russ-Sellers, R., Hudson, M. F., Youkey, J. R., & Horner, R. D. (2014). Achieving Effective Health Service Research Partnerships. Medical Care, 52(4), 289-290. doi:10.1097/mlr.0000000000000090 Wu, J., Hughes, M. D., Hudson, M. F., & Wagner, P. J. (2012). Antimigraine medication use And associated health care costs in employed patients. The Journal of Headache and Pain, 13(2), 121-127. doi:10.1007/s10194-011-0405-6 |
Honors & Awards: | The Hope Foundation Early Exploration and Development Fund Veterans Health Administration/Darmouth Pilot Research Award Minority Predoctoral Fellowship National Service Research Award |
Professional Affiliations: | Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology Member National Cancer Institute Member NRG Oncology Research Group Member Southwest Oncology Group Member Academy Health Member Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology Member |