UofSC youth summer camps 2020
Posted on: February 18, 2020; Updated on: February 18, 2020
Summer will be here before we know it, and if you have children in middle and high
school, now is the perfect time to find beneficial summer activities that spark interest
and bolster their young minds. UofSC's colleges and programs offer an array of summer
camps for young students of all ages.

CAMPS CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19. Gamecocks athletics coaches offer summer camps in
programs including basketball, baseball, volleyball, softball, soccer and track and
field. Camps are open to all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade level).

CAMPS CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19. Academically gifted students in grades 6-12 have fun meeting other students from across
the country while exploring future careers in a variety of fields. The award-winning
Adventure Series of weeklong programs covers topics such as information technology,
chemistry, engineering, business, creative writing and graphic design.

ACT session: July 13-16
SAT sessions: July 20- 23, July 27-30, Aug. 3-6 and Aug. 10-13
High school juniors and seniors enhance their test-taking skills in a college atmosphere
and receive 20 hours of classroom instruction during the intensive test prep courses
for both the SAT and ACT. Additionally, students will receive four hours of live-online
review sessions held in the fall and an easy-to-follow study plan.

June 10–13
High school students learn journalism skills and methods to create a multiplatform
story package at the Carolina Journalism Institute. By engaging in real-world experiences
and discussions, students learn how to work as a team to produce a final project and
to use programs and resources that benefit them in their journalism classrooms and
beyond. The four-day program is led by award-winning faculty members and incorporates
state-of-the-art resources and technology in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications.

June 22-26
Students in grades five to 10 gain hands-on experience in the art of props, makeup,
costumes, scenery and musical preparation while working with professional-level opera
singers, directors and designers. The weeklong experience ends with a public performance
to present what students have learned.

Face-to-face lessons are canceled. Go to camp page for additional options.
June 7-13
High school students develop musicianship skills, learn how to prepare for an audition
and study music history and theory. Participants also study repertoire with UofSC
music faculty in small chamber ensembles and together in a chamber orchestra culminating
in a performance on the last day.

Face-to-face lessons are canceled. Go to camp page for additional options.
July 27-31
Students hone and broaden their skills on orchestral string instruments and learn
from experienced teachers and graduate students. The camp is open to all students,
grades three through high school, who have completed at least one year of instruction
on a string instrument.

Due to COVID-19, clinics will be offered online. Go to camp page for details.
June 18-20
This three-day clinic provides high school drum majors in grades 10-12 with comprehensive
training in basic conducting technique, score study, advanced musicianship, tempo
control and vocal commands, effectively equipping them to successfully lead their
high school marching bands.

June 22-26
Through fun activities and games students explore the basics of music reading, strumming,
picking and finger-picking techniques in both solo and group settings. Guitar Camp
is for students who are looking to play guitar from scratch or sharpen existing skills.

Game Design with Scratch
June 15-19
Storytelling with Alice
June 22-26
Girls Go for I.T. offers a fun, hands-on introduction to coding and IT for middle-schoolers
with a strong emphasis on opportunities for girls in STEM and IT careers. Come learn
for the first time (no programming experience necessary) or build on your knowledge
to create a great new project.

June 13-31
Students in grades 1-12 hone their acting skills at this action-packed drama intensive.

Ballet and Contemporary Intensives: July 5-24
Jazz Intensive: July 26-31
Students study a variety of dance styles with world-renowned instructors through the
S.C. Summer Dance Conservatory and showcase their work in a fully produced dance concert
of classical and contemporary repertory. An audition is required to be considered.

Technical Residential Workshop
June 21–26: Upperclassmen
June 23-26: Freshmen
Summer Commuter Workshop
June 8-12
The Partners for Minorities in Engineering and Computer Sciences offers technical
workshops to introduce minority high school students to the fields of engineering
and computer science. The program has brought educators and businesses together to
host these summer workshops for more than 40 years.
Academics, Experiential Learning, College of Arts and Sciences, Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing, College of Information and Communications, School of Music