UN organization run by UofSC alum wins Nobel Peace Prize
World Food Program director David Beasley credits worldwide staff for honor
Posted on: October 9, 2020; Updated on: October 9, 2020
An international food program run by University of South Carolina alumnus David Beasley won the Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to combat hunger around the world, especially during the pandemic that has forced millions more people into poverty.
"We are deeply humbled to receive the Nobel Peace Prize," Beasley wrote on Twitter. "This is an incredible recognition of the dedication of the World Food Program family, working to end hunger everyday in 80-plus countries."
William C. Hubbard, dean of the School of Law, praised Beasley's impact on the world
"David’s leadership on the front lines of food insecurity and in the midst of threats
of mass starvation has saved millions of lives across the globe,” Hubbard said. “Those
of us who have known David for decades are so pleased that his leadership has been
recognized in such a powerful way."
The big picture:
- In 2019, the organization provided assistance to almost 100 million people in 88 countries.
- With the pandemic this year, the organization estimates that 690 million people worldwide suffer some form of hunger.
- The World Food Program is the world's largest humanitarian organization.
About David Beasley:
- Born in Lamar, South Carolina.
- Has led the World Food Program since 2017.
- Earned UofSC law degree in 1983.
- Completed bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies at UofSC in 1979.
- Served in General Assembly from 1979 to 1995.
- Served as SC governor from 1995 to 1999.