6 study abroad myths busted
Posted on: September 14, 2022; Updated on: September 14, 2022

UofSC studens visit the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland during study abroad.
Participating in a study abroad program can give you the opportunity to travel the world, make new friends and get class credit. Despite this, the process can be overwhelming and you may not know where start. Here are six myths debunked by the Education Abroad Office that shed light on the reality of the experience.
1. Studying abroad is too expensive.
We understand financial considerations of studying abroad are of critial importance. We offer more than 100 semester program options that are the same price, or lower, as the typical cost of a semester at UofSC for an in-state student. Additionally, many departments, living-learning communities, and the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning offer scholarships and travel grants to help fund education abroad opportunities.
2. If I go abroad, I won’t graduate on time or get credit for my classes.
There are some majors that require more careful planning for study abroad than others, but the vast majority of students apply all of their study abroad credits to their UofSC degrees. Part of the registration process includes working with your academic advisor to ensure you understand how your study abroad courses will apply to your degree.
3. They don’t have study abroad programs where I want to go.
We currently offer programming in 82 countries on six continents so no matter what region of the world you feel drawn to, we have a program option for you.

A UofSC student makes a new "friend" during study abroad.
4. I could never live in a country that speaks a different language or has a different culture from my own.
Our office provides support for students from the beginning to the end of their experience. It is common to go through the “lows” of feeling frustrated when immersed in a new language and culture. These lows are part of the experience and you can often learn more about yourself and increase your life skills when you're pushed outside of your comfort zone. All our programs offer support from onsite staff, most of whom are fluent in English and have experience working with international students.
5. I am going to be alone and won’t know anyone.
There is no quicker way to make friends than to travel together. Students quickly find community among their fellow study abroad participants who also share a common interest in learning more about the world and themselves. For students who are particularly nervous about feeling alone, we have program options like our Global Classrooms, which are led by a UofSC faculty member and are specifically designed for UofSC students.
6. I will miss out on too many experiences on campus.
UofSC is a unique place and it’s natural to not want to miss out on a semester here. Participating in an education abroad experience is something you can only do as a student and our participants often share that studying abroad was one of the best things they did while at UofSC. You can maximize your experiences by participating in a study abroad experience with other UofSC students over Winter Session, Spring Break or during the summer.
Learn more
Attend the Education Abroad Fair 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday (Sept. 21) in the Russell House Ballroom to learn more.
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