As the semester winds down, there are several events to celebrate our graduating seniors. Here is a roundup of those events.
- April 19: Give 4 Garnet
- Support the University of South Carolina's Give 4 Garnet by making an early gift today eceive a pair of limited-edition USC socks as a special thank-you. Your donation of $18.01 or more will make a significant difference in the lives of students and faculty across our campus. From scholarships and research funding to facility upgrades and new programs, your gift will help us continue to provide the best possible educational experience to our students. Help us reach our goal of 3,000 donors for Give 4 Garnet 2023 on April 19.
- Support the Senior Class Legacy May 2023 by making a dontaion of $20.23 or more. Those who donate will receive a cord to wear at commencement in recognition as a class donor. Choose to give to scholarships, veteran services, your college/school, student life or to the Carolina Fund which supports the area of greatest need.
- April 20: Awards Day
- The annual Awards Day ceremony caps off a season of honoring student excellence at South Carolina. Each year, we honor hundreds of students, from seniors preparing to graduate to underclassmen who will come back to make South Carolina an even more special place in the years ahead.
- April 21: Drive Down Memory Lane
Celebrate the Class of 2023 with a parade down Greene Street. We're opening the gates for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Graduating Gamecocks to drive down the road where so many milestones and memories have taken place. All Gamecocks are welcome to stand along the parade route to celebrate our grads. The event will feature a parade down Greene Street from 3 to 4 p.m. followed by a reception on the Russell House Patio from 4 to 5 p.m. Graduates interested in participating in the parade as a driver, passenger or pedestrian MUST complete the participant form by April 14 at 5 p.m.
- May 5: Grad Fest
- Join the USC Alumni Association on May 5 from 5 to 7 p.m. for a graduation party at Steel Hands Brewing featuring live music, appetizers and Gamecock swag. Tickets are free.
- May 6: Grad Dine
- Need lunch plans on graduation day? The USC Alumni Association invites all May 2023 University of South Carolina graduates to dine in your new alumni home on graduation day. Buffet and private dining options are available. Registration is required and will close at noon April 26.
- May 5 and 6: Commencement