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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • Student in Online Class

“Getting Started Teaching Online” Program Recognizes Fall 2016 Graduates

CTE is pleased to announce the fourth cohort of “Getting Started Teaching Online” graduates. Offered with support from the Office of the Provost each semester since Spring 2015, this intensive eight-week online course introduces faculty members to distributed learning pedagogy, best teaching practices, and USC resources related to online teaching.

Participants who complete the program receive a $500 grant and a certificate and letter of recognition. CTE director Christy Friend notes that “Getting Started Teaching Online” is one of the Center’s most popular programs. “Each semester, we receive many more applications than we can accommodate with the ten seats available, so we encourage faculty to apply early. We are committed to offering the program every semester as long as there is interest.” She adds that the course has been instrumental in building a community of university faculty committed to developing and teaching high-quality online courses.

Congratulations to our Fall 2016 graduates:

  • Joe Anderson, Mathematics (USC Union)
  • Kajal Ghoshroy, Biology (USC Sumter)
  • Andy Gillentine, Sport Management
  • Tammy Grubbs, Integrated Information Technology
  • Katrina Hunter, Social Work
  • Jin Liu, Educational Studies
  • Fidele Ngwane, Mathematics (USC Salkahatchie)
  • Tom Reeves, Biology
  • Chandini Sankaran, Economics

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