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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • Quality Matters

Faculty Enhance Online Courses by Designing Quality Learning Environments

The Office of the Provost instituted a Distributed Learning Quality Review process (DLQR) in 2013 as part of its commitment to ensuring high-quality distributed learning courses at the university. Each year a portion of USC’s online courses are selected to be reviewed.  Course reviews are approved by the Provost’s Distributed Learning Committee.

To successfully pass the review, each course must meet 26 essential standards and 80% of the overall standards, which are spelled out in a checklist approved by the Provost's Committee on Distributed Learning. The checklist is based on Quality Matters™ rubric, a nationally recognized quality benchmark.

The checklist consist of 49 specific standards based on the following topics:

  • Course Overview and Introduction
  • Learning Outcomes/Objectives
  • Assessment and Measurement
  • Instructional Materials
  • Learning Activities and Student Interaction
  • Course Technology
  • Student Support
  • Usability
  • Accessibility

Faculty preparing courses for review have access to assistance from instructional designers and are eligible to receive a small course revision grant.  Since 2013, 133 courses have passed the DLQR. Twenty-four courses passed DLQR this fall. 

If you are interested in consulting with an instructional designer, obtaining a copy of the quality review checklist or having your course reviewed, contact the Center for Teaching Excellence at or 803-777-8322  

Faculty Approved DLQR Courses

John Abdalla
Palmetto College, Extended University
HIST 111: United States History to 1865
HIST 112: United States History since 1865

Lara Lomicka Anderson
USC Connect
UNIV 401: Graduation with Leadership Distinction

Sandy Avinger
Instruction and Teacher Education
EDEL 305: Nature and Management of Elementary Classrooms

Yaroslaw Bazaliy
Physics and Astronomy
PHYS 291: Einstein’s Relativity: Understanding by Example

Catherine Castner
Languages, Literatures and Cultures
LATN 109: Beginning Latin I
LATN 110: Beginning Latin II

David Dangerfield
HIST 409: South Carolina History to 1865

Kay Edwards
HIST 101: European Civilization from Ancient Times to the Mid-17th Century

Daniela Friedman
Health Promotion, Education & Behavior
HPEB 711: Applied Health Communication

Deborah Hazzard
Business, Management
MGMT 371: Principles of Management

Tom Hughes
Business, Accounting
ACCT 324: Commercial Law
Jin Liu
Educational Studies
EDRM 801: Principles and Applications of Educational Research
EDRM 700: Introduction to Research in Education

Helene Maire-Afeli
CHEM 105: Chemistry and Modern Society I
CHEM 107: Forensic Chemistry

Patti Marinelli
Languages, Literatures and Cultures
SPAN 109: Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 110: Beginning Spanish II

Robert Ogilvie
Biological Sciences
BIOL 530: Histology

Carla Pfeffer
SOCY 301/WGST 300: Sociology of Sex Roles (Sex and Gender)

Chris Rinehart
POLI 463: American Chief

Yvette Sands
Sport and Entertainment Management
SPTE 274: Computer Applications in Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management

Greg Springer
MUSC 210: Understanding the Psychology of Music

Diane McGhee Valle
Theatre and Dance
DANC 101: Dance Appreciation

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