Undergraduate Student Achievements Honored Each year, undergraduate students are recognized for their achievements. The following students received Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Undergraduate Awards during the 2021-2022 academic year.
Undergraduate Student Achievements Honored Each year, undergraduate students are recognized for their achievements. The following students received Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Undergraduate Awards during the 2021-2022 academic year.
Congratulations to Christopher Sutton He received an award from the AFOSR/USAF/DOD for a total amount of $600,000.00 for his project entitled "Unraveling the Role of Cation Solvation in Aqueous Zn-Ion Batteries: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Approach."
Congratulations to Jie Li He received an award from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)/NIHfor a total amount of $1,579,485.00 for his project entitled "Expanding Natural Products Chemical Diversity by Big-data Analysis and Novel Biosynthesis."
Congratulations to Chuanbing Tang He received an NSF Centers for Chemical Innovation (Phase I) grant of $1,800,000, entitled “NSF Center for Polymers for a Circular Economy (PCE)" and is a new recipient of the Carolina Distinguished Professorship.
Congratulations to Scott Goode The 2023 ACS Southeastern Regional Meeting Awards Committee selected Scott Goode as this year's awardee for the E. Ann Nalley Award.
Congratulations to Ting Ge He received an award from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fundin the amount of $110,000.00 for his project entitled "Controlling Equilibrium Swelling of Polyampholyte Gels Using Charge Sequence - A Study Combining Molecular Simulation and Scaling Theory".
Congratulations to Sophya Garashchuk She received an award from the National Science Foundation (NSF)in the amount of $530,000.00 for her project entitled "Quantum dynamics with nuclear quantum effects: a hierarchical methodology for large molecular systems."
Congratulations to Sheryl Wiskur She received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a three-year total amount of $565,124 for her project titled "CAS: Understanding Microenvironment Polarity in Polymers and the Effect it has on Reaction Rates and Selectivity."
Congratulations to Sasimonthakan Tan-Arsuwongkul (Advisor Q. Wang) She received a one year research grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the Universität Heildelberg, the oldest and most research-intensive institutions in Europe. Nan will join them in Fall 2023
Congratulations to Caryn Outten The South Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society has announced that Caryn Outten won the 2023 Outstanding Chemist Award.
Congratulations to Chuanbing Tang The South Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society has announced that Chuanbing Tang won the 2023 Outreach Volunteer of the Year Award.
Congratulations to Christopher Sutton He was recently awarded $600,000 from the DEPSCoR program of the U.S. Department of Defense for his project titled "Investigating the Influence of Cation Solvation in Aqueous Zn-Ion Batteries: Integrating Theoretical and Experimental Methods.
Congratulations to Ting Ge He received a grant from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS PRF) for a two-year total amount of $110,000.00 for his project entitled "Controlling Equilibrium Swelling of Polyampholyte Gels Using Charge Sequence - A Study Combining Molecular Simulation and Scaling Theory."
Congratulations to James Sitter (Vannucci's Group) He won the Hiram and Lawanda Allen award at the Graduate Symposium Competition for the Senior Graduate Student Achievement Awards.
Congratulations to Ethan Older (Li's group) He won the Thermo Fisher Scientific award at the Graduate Symposium Competition for the Senior Graduate Student Achievement Awards.
Congratulations to Kexun Chen (H. Wang Group) He won the Guy F. Lipscomb award at the Graduate Symposium Competition for the Senior Graduate Student Achievement Awards.
Congratulations to Donna Chen She received a grant from the Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, for a total amount of $3,150,000 for her project entitled, "Design of New Catalysts for the Generation of Clean H2 from Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers: Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane on Bimetallic Catalysts."
Congratulations to Morgan Stefik He received a grant from the Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences for a total amount of $2,550,000 for his project entitled, "Understanding the Role of Defects to Accelerate Wadsley-Roth Niobates for Long Duration Energy Storage”