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My Honors College

Course Description

HNRS: Tell Me a Story: Storytelling and Argumentation Ethics in Legal Advocacy

Fall 2021 Courses

SCHC 381 H01 15321

Course Attributes:
EngLit, Humanities, AIU

Janice Baker

SCHLAW 388 on TR @ 04:25 pm - 05:40 pm


Seat Capacity:


**Open to all majors.**At some point, we have all likely heard or uttered the words, “Tell me a story.”  Whether we are the storyteller or the attentive listener, from the moment we engage in a story, we share a time of being drawn into someone else’s experience. While the oral tradition of retelling the law has lingered quietly in the background throughout the development of our modern legal system, advocates have begun to re-embrace the role of narrative in both written and oral advocacy. This course is designed to introduce students to the role of storytelling in the context of legal advocacy. Through weekly discussion workshops, writing workshops, reading workshops, and presentation workshops, students will learn the skill of storytelling through an interactive, hands-on approach. Students will learn how to draft persuasive rule statements, fact statements, and arguments for legal documents. Students will also present oral arguments on legal issues, both formally and informally. Throughout the course, students will also learn the discipline of argumentation ethics through the study and the application of the rules of professional conduct.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
