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My Honors College

Dean's Council Application

The students who are selected for the Dean’s Council will represent their fellow students and serve as an idea incubator for ways to improve the Honors College. We aim for the 13 representatives to reflect the make-up of the Honors College’s student population. Specifically, we are thinking of one representative from each of our three residential locations: the Honors Residence Hall, 650 Lincoln, and the Horseshoe; one representative for students who live off-campus; one representative from each of the three largest colleges in the SCHC (by major), Engineering, Business, and Arts & Sciences; one from the group of Honors Ambassadors; and five members at-large.  We will attempt in selecting Dean’s Council members, to create an effective group able to represent their peers and advance the excellence of the Honors College. The current plan is to meet 3-4 times a semester. Applications will be due by Sunday, October 8th at 11:59pm. We aim to have our first meeting by the end of October. Please email Zack Lord at with any questions.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
