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My Honors College

Course Description

HNRS: The Law and Ethics of Public Policy

Fall 2021 Courses

SCHC 387 H01 29940

Course Attributes:
SocBehavSci, NotCore

James Lucas

DESASR 228 on MWF @ 08:30 am - 09:20 am


Seat Capacity:


**Course is open to all Honors students and is appropriate for freshmen.**Public policy is a tool for addressing societal challenges. However, the journey from good idea to actual policy is one full of twists, turns and obstacles. Many times what stops the development of public policy is the existing laws and rules surrounding how that policy must be developed. This course will examine how existing Constitutional, statutory and common law concerns interplay with the enactment of new law-sometimes aiding the development of policy, sometimes hindering the development of policy. The course will also consider how the ethical rules and standards for public officials can impact the development of public policy. The course will primarily focus on the development of public policy in the South Carolina General Assembly beyond simply the rules of procedure and debate. Students will be expected to engage in thoughtful discussion on assigned topics related to the development of public policy based on selected materials assigned. Students will also be expected to apply the concepts discussed to questions concerning hypothetical policy development.This course is taught by Jay Lucas, the Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
