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Office of the Provost

Previous Versions

Since June 2001, the USC Columbia Faculty Manual has been published in electronic format only. All Faculty Manuals published since that time are available below as PDF documents. Please note the effective date when identifying the correct version.  Revisions that reflect change only in appendix content, e.g., Faculty Senate bylaws and information about benefits and privileges, may not be listed.

Changes approved in June 2024 include the following: a substantial new section of the Faculty Manual that describes professional-track faculty (PTF) titles and provides clear procedures and guidelines for PTF appointment and promotion; a revision to the process by which Graduate Council size is calculated; and a change to shift responsibility of Graduate Council member selection from the Graduate School to the academic units being represented. Additional changes were made to Senate standing rules to update the order of business within meeting agenda and to provide increased flexibility for the scheduling of Faculty Senate meetings.
Review Manual [pdf]

Changes approved in June 2023 include the following: expansion of faculty voting rights to all professional-track faculty, with the exception of voting on tenure-track guidelines and advancements; creation of unit budget committees; new introductory language to facilitate a planned restructure that describes faculty qualifications and requirements; new introductory language to facilitate a planned restructure that provides an overview to a section on integrity and professional conduct; clarification of the three specific types of grievances for which the Faculty Manual provides explicit procedures; addition of a section on newly approved paid parental leave; and expansion of the section on academic freedom.
Review Manual [pdf]

The June 2022 approval reflects updates to several faculty committees including establishment of the new Faculty Appellate Panel, a stronger policy against consensual relationships, notification of tenure and promotion eligibility, and revision of the grievance process including termination of faculty for cause.
Review Manual [pdf]

Changes approved in June 2021 include descriptions of several faculty committees, addition of System Leadership Council, and clarification to Terms of Employment. The section on Benefits and Privileges was moved to an appendix to allow more timely updates.
Review Manual [pdf]

The April 2021 approval modified the description of Budget Committee to reflect increased faculty membership and changed to the Board of Trustees committee structure.
Review Manual [pdf]

Changes approved in September 2020 reflect the Professional-Track Faculty designation and creation of University Committee on Professional-Track Faculty. Other changes included modification of the Faculty Senate Bylaws and Standing Rules to facilitate online meetings (Article IV, Section 4; Rule III)
Review Manual [pdf] 

The March 2020 changes added language to Faculty Senate section of Faculty Manual (page 12) allowing virtual meetings under extraordinary circumstances and modified the Faculty Senate Bylaws procedures for confirmation of faculty appointments to committee constituted by administrative offices (Article VI, section 5).
Review Manual [pdf] 

Changes approved in June 2019 include updated descriptions for the Faculty Senate IT Committee and Committee on Libraries; transition from “third-year review” to “tenure progress review”; addition of language to require unit tenure and promotion committees to publish calendar for local unit deadlines; and consolidation of language about faculty grievance procedures.
Review Manual [pdf] 

Changes approved in October 2018 include updated charge for the Grievance Committee, clarification of dates in Terms of Employment, and revision of the  Faculty Senate Bylaws procedures to appoint chair pro tempore and to have special election for chair-elect (Article III, add sections 5 and 6).
Review Manual [pdf] 

The June 2017 changes include expansion of voting rights to non-tenure track (NTT) faculty members; modified Grade Change Policy as submitted by the Committee on Scholastic Standards and Petitions; and editorial revisions for capitalization, clarity, and rewording to conform to approved language and policy.
Review Manual [pdf] 

Changes approved in June 2016 include clarification of partial terms for faculty committees; updated committee descriptions; addition of Information Technology Committee; and clarification of appointment dates for tenure probationary periods and terms of employment.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The December 2013 changes included moving Faculty Commitment to the Carolinian Creed from the Preface to Section 1/ Faculty Organization, addition of the Committee on Professional Conduct and the related section on workplace civility, addition of associate graduate faculty membership.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The October 2012 change clarifies system representation on the Faculty-Board of Trustees Liaison Committee.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The December 2011 changes include a comprehensive revision of Section 3/Research to include current federal laws and regulations and links for current research policies and procedures.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The changes approved in June 2010 reflect substantive revision of Section 2/ Regulations and Policies concerning tenure and promotion criteria and procedures.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The June 2009 changes reflect USC administrative changes; update of the affirmative action and non-discrimination statement; and revised sabbatical procedures.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The changes approved in June 2007 clarify eligibility for faculty committee membership and identify unit tenure and promotion criteria for faculty hired prior to 1995.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The June 2006 changes reflect the revised description of the Faculty Budget Committee and membership for the University Committee on Tenure and Promotion.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The changes approved in June 2005 of the descriptions of several faculty committees and clarify language concerning unit consideration of tenure and promotion files.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The December 2004 approval includes numerous changes throughout the Faculty Manual, but primarily in Section 2/ Regulations and Policies.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The June 2004 approval includes numerous changes throughout the Faculty Manual, including appendix information.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The changes approved in June 2003 present revisions of Graduate Faculty and Tenure and Promotion in Cases of Reorganization.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The June 2002 approval clarifies how to fill vacancies on Faculty Senate committees and procedures related to endowed chair nomination, post-tenure review, and sabbatical leave.
Review Manual [pdf] 

The changes approved in June 2001 reflect revision and clarification of tenure and promotion procedures.
Review Manual [pdf] 


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