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Palmetto College

Meet Your Admissions Rep

Our admissions reps are here for you! They can help you explore your educational options and answer your questions about Palmetto College. You can sort the directory by region, or type your location into the search bar. 

Name Region Phone Email Keywords
(hidden column)
Glynn, Juliana
USC Salkehatchie Campus Admissions Representative: 
Allendale, Bamberg 
Barnwell, Beaufort 
Berkeley, Charleston 
Colleton, Dorchester 
Hampton, Jasper, Orangeburg


Crotzer, Amy  
Central Palmetto College Admissions Representative

primary regional representative, chesterfield, clarendon, darlington, dillon, florence, georgetown, horry, lee, marion, marlboro, sumter, williamsburg, Bishop Tyler

Washington, Bernard
USC Sumter Campus Admissions Representative: 
Florence, Georgetown 
Horry, Lee 
Lexington, Marion 
Richland, Sumter, Williamsburg
803-938-3771 alternate regional representative, chesterfield, clarendon, darlington, dillon, florence, georgetown, horry, lee, marion, marlboro, sumter, williamsburg, Knezevich Christopher
Jones, Nicholas
USC Lancaster Campus Admissions Representative: 
Chester ,Chesterfield,
Darlington, Dillon,
Fairfield, Kershaw,
Lancaster, Marlboro, 
803-313-7143 alternate regional representative, 
chester, fairfield, kershaw,
lancaster, lexington, newberry,
richland, york, danelle faulkenberry
Sumner, Michael 
USC Union Campus Admissions Representative: 
Abbeville, Aiken 
Anderson, Cherokee 
Edgefield, Greenville 
Greenwood, Laurens 
McCormick, Oconee 
Pickens, Saluda 
Spartanburg, Union 
864-424-8032  michael sumner, abbeville, anderson, cherokee, greenville, greenwood, laurens, mccormick, oconee, pickens, spartanburg, union, edgefield, Aiken, Union


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