We’ve been growing our network… the Office of the Vice President for Research is on LinkedIn!
We exist to promote, support, and highlight the impactful research happening at USC every day, and LinkedIn is helping us to expand our reach—we have been building our online connectivity on LinkedIn. If you are a LinkedIn user and would like to add us to your list of connections, job networks, and more—follow our page today.

NIH F31 fellowships for graduate students — panel, Q&A and support
National Fellowships and Scholar Programs invites you to attend a Zoom-based panel of USC graduate students to learn more about NIH F31 fellowships and/or come to a live drop-in Q&A and feedback session with current NIH graduate fellows. These fellowships provide up to a five-year stipend for current doctoral students in biomedical, behavioral, and clinical health science fields—along with opportunities for mentorship and independent research through the NIH. The Zoom panel is on Tuesday, January 30 at 4:00 p.m. to attend this virtual information panel, register here. The drop-in will take place on Wednesday, February 28 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in Russell House 304, please register here to attend. For more information about fellowships for graduate students, click here or email Matt Klopfsenstein.
Join us for the Second Annual Research Core Fair
The University of South Carolina is hosting a Research Core Fair on Friday, March 15, 2024, to spotlight the wealth of resources at the University that are available to researchers. The Research Core Fair is open to all USC students, faculty and staff. There will be four sessions featuring short talks which will detail capabilities of cores in the following areas: life sciences, chemistry, engineering and aerospace and earth, ocean and environment. We encourage USC graduate and professional students, Principal Investigators, and those from other institutions who are interested in learning more about the USC Research Cores should register for the fair by March 8, 2024. Students and postdocs who wish to present a poster at the fair should submit their abstract by Friday, March 1, 2024.
Faculty: Encourage your undergraduate students to apply for grant funding
Now is the time for undergraduates and faculty mentors to review available grants to determine eligibility. Application deadlines for grant funding through the Office of Undergraduate Research are coming up in February. Magellan Scholar proposals are due in USCeRA by Wednesday, February 7, at 5:00 p.m. Magellan Mini-Grant applications, and several others connected to Living-Learning Communities, are due by Tuesday, February 13, at 5:00 p.m. Encourage your students to contact OUR to discuss eligibility and application questions: our@sc.edu or 803-777-1141.
Discover USC 2024: Registration opens next week
Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research, Discover USC showcases innovative projects produced by students, postdoctoral and medical scholars from across the USC system. Work presented at Discover USC spans disciplines to represent the diversity of scholarship at South Carolina’s flagship university. This year, Discover USC will be held on Friday, April 19, 2024, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. The USC community is invited to attend Discover USC and learn firsthand about current research and scholarship from hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students, medical scholars and postdocs. Registration for presenters, reviewers and volunteers will open on Monday, January 29.
25 January 2024