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Weather Update: Columbia campus classes cancelled after 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21.

University Registrar

  • gold colored UofSC ring laying on a wooden table that has the university seal branded on the top

University Seal

The university seal reminds us that Carolina is not only a place where students pursue truth. Their education strengthens both their character and intellect, too.

The University of South Carolina seal quotes the Latin poet Ovid. “Emollit Mores Nec Sinit Esse Feros” which translates to “Learning humanizes character and does not permit it to be cruel.” Beneath the motto stands the figures of Liberty and Minerva, the goddess of Wisdom. Though clothed for battle, they hold their weapons at rest and shake hands.

Carolina is a place where liberty and wisdom share common ground. The university must be that special place where students can together pursue truth and strengthen both character and intellect.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
