Jenna Spiering, Ph.D, Principal Investigator
Jenna Spiering, Ph.D., is an assistant professor at the School of Information Science at the University of South Carolina. Before receiving her doctorate from the University of Iowa in the College of Education, she worked in junior high school libraries in Iowa City, Iowa, for seven years.
Spiering's research is broadly focused on issues within school librarianship with a more specific focus on issues of selection and censorship and young adult literature as well as the impact of professional development models for SLs.
She currently serves as the PI on a Library of Congress Teaching with primary sources Grant ($249,675.28) and was a 2021 recipient of the AASL Research Award.
Spiering teaches various classes within the school librarianship track at USC including School Library program Development, Young Adult Materials and Internship in Library and Information Science.
She also serves on the Board of the South Carolina Association of School librarians.