![Kamania Wynter-hoyte smiling](/study/colleges_schools/artsandsciences/centers_and_institutes/uofscand/images/images_people/images_cab/kamania_wynterhoyte.jpg)
Kamania Wynter-Hoyte
Kamania is an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education at USC and has a five-year-old son who is autistic.
The CAN Center Community Advisory Board (CAB) is a group of community members who meet with our researchers, with the goal of gathering input about the alignment of our research and community outreach activities with the needs and values of the community.
Kamania is an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education at USC and has a five-year-old son who is autistic.
Kaelynn was diagnosed with autism at the age of 10. She joined Project Hope Foundation’s school program as a teenager, where she developed an interest in working with others on the spectrum. She is now a Lead Registered Behavior Technician. In 2022, Kaelynn was a featured participant in the Netflix series, Love On The Spectrum. She has been a guest on numerous national podcasts and published several articles, providing an autistic perspective.
Stephanie is the Autism Division Director of the South Carolina Deparmtment of Disabilities and Special Needs (DDSN). She has worked in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy, and she is personally connected to neurodevelopment through her sister-in-law, who was diagnosed with autism as an adult.
Camerun is a clinical genetic counselor at Greenwood Genetic Center and works in a medical genetics clinic, where he helps patients and families navigate the evaluation process for autism and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Kris is a stay-at-home mother of two children, one of whom is autistic with high support needs. Before starting her family and journey into neurodiversity support and advocacy, she was a researcher and college instructor at Clemson and earned her PhD in Genetics in 2014.
Preach is a DJ and artist in Columbia, SC and is passionate about advocating for autism and disabilities.
Dallas is a mental health therapist at Moonbug Therapy, in which she uses an ecological systems perspectives and has experience working with children and families.