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South Carolina Honors College

Rohit "Sean" Nampoothiry

What drew you to the field of medicine?

At the age of eight, I was prescribed corrective lenses. This came at no shock as my entire family wears corrective lenses. Although not a surprise to my parents, this moment served as the point of origin for my medical interest. I became deeply invested in the eye, and I vested myself into researching anything and everything eye related. I eventually reached the point where I wanted hands-on involvement, so I got involved in clinical experience at a local retina clinic. This gave me an opportunity to work with excellent ophthalmologists and demonstrate my passion to help patients. I absolutely love the human side of healthcare, and I witnessed just how great of an impact physicians have on their patient’s life. This has strengthened my desire to become a physician who puts their patients first. 

What are your future plans?

As I progress through my degree, I plan to get involved in research at the USC School of Medicine, specifically in the areas of diabetes and/or chronic illnesses. I also hope to partake in service opportunities such as volunteering at the free medical clinic. After medical school, I plan to specialize in ophthalmology, following my original interest in the eye. 

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