2025 heart health faculty experts list
January 29, 2025, Gregory Hardy
February is American Heart Month. The University of South Carolina is home to many faculty members who are available to offer their expertise in cardio care and research.
January 29, 2025, Gregory Hardy
February is American Heart Month. The University of South Carolina is home to many faculty members who are available to offer their expertise in cardio care and research.
December 16, 2024
From a national championship and record research funding to a major engineering gift and a host of academic awards, 2024 was a banner year for USC.
June 26, 2024, Dana Woodward
Beginning July 1, 2024, Dr. Phyllis MacGilvray will serve as dean of the School of Medicine Greenville. Dr. MacGilvray is currently the senior associate dean for academic affairs at SOMG and brings decades of leadership as well as clinical experience to her new role.
March 22, 2024, Laura Morris
More than 200 Gamecocks learned where they’ll work as resident pharmacists and physicians during national Match Day events on March 13 and 15.
February 23, 2024, Megan Sexton
The School of Medicine Greenville, led by Dean Marjorie Jenkins is committed to educating and producing a new type of physician, offering a technologically advanced medical school environment, and addressing an ongoing shortage of doctors in a rapidly growing state.
October 03, 2023, Laura Morris
The Palmetto State — facing physician and nursing shortages, an aging population and a growing number of children requiring welfare services — is partnering with universities and organizations to recruit and retain students interested in health care careers by reducing financial barriers.
June 08, 2023, Megan Sexton
Robert Best, a medical geneticist and professor at the USC School of Medicine Greenville, has been a major contributor to the fields of cytogenetics and bioethics. Last fall, Best was tapped to serve as interim CEO of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics.
November 04, 2021, Chris Horn and Dana Woodward
It’s been a little more than a year and a half since the arrival of COVID-19, and the University of South Carolina has weathered the crisis thus far with resolve, ingenuity and a set of guiding principles for every pandemic-related decision.
March 25, 2021, Dr. Jennifer T. Grier
Dr. Jennifer T. Grier writes for the Conversation on whether or not people who have already recovered from a coronavirus infection should get the COVID vaccine.
March 15, 2021
School of Medicine Columbia and School of Medicine Greenville students answers what Match Day means to them as they look towards the future.
May 28, 2020, Dr. Jennifer Meredith
States are working hard to take the necessary steps to reopen safely. When Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, explained that task to the U.S. Senate recently, he pointed to South Carolina as a model for the country, one that he would “almost like to clone.” So, what is South Carolina getting right?
March 25, 2020, David Lee
A collaborative effort involving Prisma Health and the University of South Carolina has resulted in emergency use authorization for a ventilator expansion device to support multiple patients during times of acute equipment shortages such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.
February 03, 2020, Tenell Felder
Innovative technology in the classroom results in better patient care. University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville uses this approach to produce exceptional future physicians.
April 25, 2019, Thom Harman
South Carolina — the state’s leader in health science education and research — is sponsoring “The Art of Healthy Living,” a fun, educational and interactive exhibit in the heart of Artisphere, the sprawling downtown Greenville festival.
December 15, 2016, USC Times
A is for alphabet, at least according to USC Times. To help close out 2016, the University of South Carolina’s monthly magazine for faculty and staff devoted its entire December issue to the ABCs of 2016 — with each letter representing a different accomplishment, announcement or notable arrival from the past year.
February 05, 2016, Steven Powell
Lamar Hunter's scholarship to attend USC’s School of Medicine in Greenville was provided by a generous benefactor who prefers to remain anonymous — to the larger public, anyway. He has been more than happy to get to know the scholarship winners whose lives he has impacted.