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Academic Advising

Our Advisors and Staff

Mike Horton

Title: Exploratory Advisor I
Department: Office of Exploratory Advising & Academic Coaching
Academic Advising
Phone: 803-777-8776
Office: Close Hipp Suite 381
Mike is pictured from the shoulders up. He has red hair and a red beard and is wearing eye glasses. He is smiling.


B.A. English, Butler University

M.A English, University of Missouri


Hometown: Richmond, IN

About Me: After earning my BA at Butler University and MA at the University of Missouri, I taught at Mizzou for several years before moving to South Carolina. For 6 years, I was an English professor at MIdlands Technical College, where I taught courses in writing and fiction. My main areas of research were/are 20th and 21st Century American Literature, genre fiction (stuff like Science Fiction and Fantasy), comics, and writing pedagogy. I joined USC's Office of Exploratory Advising in June of 2023. I'm still a big sci-fi, fantasy, and comics nerd. Beyond those interests, I like to go hiking and camping, and I spend time with my cats, Apple and Danish.

Favorite Quote: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” ― Kurt Vonnegut

Advice to Students: There will be days where you feel like you have it all figured out, and just as many days where you feel like you know nothing—but neither of those things is true. You’ll never figure it *all* out, and you know plenty. So trust yourself, but stay humble, never stop learning, and never stop trying new things. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
