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Division of Human Resources

Extending or Ending Employment

When a student employee approaches the expected end date for their position, there are several actions that hiring representatives may need to take in order to extend or end the student employee’s position.

Review the following information to determine how to successfully close or end an employment. 

Monitoring end dates is an important step within the student employment process.

  • Monitoring end dates ensures that the PeopleSoft HCM system correctly terminates student employees. It is also beneficial when extending a student employee’s end date.
  • There are query reports within the PeopleSoft HCM system which monitor end dates for student employees. It is highly recommended that you review the end-date query at least once a month to ensure that you are familiar with the end dates.

To extend the end date, you will need to initiate a Student Job Change eForm in Peoplesoft HCM.

  • The effective date on the eForm should be prior to the current end-date on file to ensure the student does not auto-terminate.
  • Human Resources recommends hiring for the full academic year (August 16 – May 15) to avoid end-date extensions.
  • As a general rule, extensions of expected end dates for students who are paid a salary (not hourly) are not advisable and if necessary, it is recommended that you reach out to the Division of Human Resources for assistance.
  • If a continuing student is in an hourly paid job code, is not a Federal Work Study student, and will continue working in the same job code for the summer, you may extend the end date until the end of the summer. For continuing students who will have a different job code over the summer a separate hire is needed from May 16 – August 15. 
  • Federal Work-study (FWS) positions cannot be extended beyond the last day of the academic semester. If a supervisor requests a student employee holding a Work-Study position continues to work over the summer, a separate hiring appointment should be initiated. Please refer to the Federal Work-Study website for the correct dates.

All student employment instances require an end date in HCM PeopleSoft. On this end-date, without warning or notice, the student employee will auto-terminate in the PeopleSoft HCM system.

  • As the hiring manager, it is important to review the query report in PeopleSoft HCM to ensure that you are aware of your student employee end dates.
  • If you want the student to auto-terminate on the end date on record, you should not initiate a Status Change eForm to terminate the student appointment. This duplication of effort will cause issues with the student record and could potentially impact final payout.
  • If you feel a student was auto-terminated in error, please contact Human Resources Operations and Services at 803-777-6650 or

If a student employee is separating from the university prior to their end date in the PeopleSoft HCM system, you need to initiate a Student Status Change eForm.

  • On the eForm, you will indicate the student’s last day of work and the termination will become effective the day after the last day of work.
  • If possible, please attach to the eForm a resignation letter or notification from the student employee and the supervisor’s acceptance of the resignation letter.  

To ensure that the student employee is not overpaid, the eForm must be initiated and approved through the workflow before Payroll closes for that pay date. To ensure your actions are submitted within the published HR Document Deadlines for each payroll, please visit the HR Toolbox

If the student is a Federal Work-Study student, the Student Status Change eform must be submitted through Financial Aid first.

If a student employee withdraws from USC, they should be terminated as a student employee. The Division of Human Resources will coordinate with the Registrar's Office to receive periodic notification of student employees in withdrawn status so that their employment can be addressed with the department.

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