As a student employee supervisor, you are responsible for verifying the accuracy of, making adjustments to, and approving student employee timecards in Time and Absence System each week by noon on Monday for the prior week, unless otherwise requested. This is a critical step in order to ensure the student receives a paycheck.
Verifying Timesheets
In order to verify the accuracy of and approve a student employee’s timecard, you must be aware of when student employees are working. To verify, adjust, and approve time worked, log into the system using your network ID and password. Visit the Payroll Office for more information on the role and responsibilities of student employee supervisors serving as approvers.
Other Systems
Certain areas at USC use other timekeeping systems to track hours worked for students. These hours are loaded from the outside system into Time and Absence System and from there will feed into the HR/Payroll System for inclusion in upcoming paychecks. Note that hours worked that are not loaded to Time and Absence System timely could result in late payment to student employees. Resources for these systems are found in the specific areas that utilize those systems.