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College of Information and Communications

  • Students at AAF of the Midlands Awards

Students win advertising awards, including best of show and four golds

Posted February 23, 2017

Students from the School of Journalism and Mass Communications garnered a Best of Show, four Gold Awards and five Silver Awards at the AAF of the Midlands American Advertising Awards gala on Saturday, February 28 at Columbia's Music Farm.

Gold Award winners will move on to compete at the district level; a win there would advance them to the national competition.

AAF of the Midlands holds the yearly competition as part of the American Advertising Federation’s American Advertising Awards, the largest advertising competition in the world. The awards represent the true spirit of creative excellence by recognizing all forms of advertising from media of all types, creative by all sizes and entrants of all levels from anywhere in the world.

Best in Show

Lighthouse for Life Rebranding 
CreateAthon@USC Team:
Team Leaders: Angela Rishebarger (visual communications), Brooke Strozdas (advertising)
Team Members: Anthony Brickner (visual communications), Caitlyn Jennings (public relations), Claire Kuczerpa (public relations), Madison Legett (advertising), Ivy McCleary (advertising), Stephanie Woronko (public relations)
Photography: Adam Collins (visual communications)
Mentors: Jennifer Hammond (David&Goliath - Atlanta) and Jared Owenby (Journalism '14, Tilted Chair Creative - Austin)

Gold Awards

Outdoor & Transit Advertising: Lighthouse for Life
CreateAthon@USC Team:
Team Leaders: Angela Rishebarger (visual communications), Brooke Strozdas (advertising)
Team Members: Anthony Brickner (visual communications), Caitlyn Jennings (public relations), Claire Kuczerpa (public relations), Madison Legett (advertising), Ivy McCleary (advertising), Stephanie Woronko (public relations)
Photography: Adam Collins (visual communications)
Mentors: Jennifer Hammond and Jared Owenby

Cross-Platform Integrated Brand Identity Campaign: Be the Match
CreateAthon@USC Team:
Team Leaders: Ally Soule (public relations), McKenzie Price (dance)
Team Members: Malik Brown (visual communications), Lindsey Carpenter (advertising), Daniel Delgado (advertising), McKenna Porter (advertising), Nathalie Watson (media arts), Nino Tria (visual communications), Rachel Ravencraft (public relations)
Mentor: Lee Price

Out-Of-Home Poster, Campaign
Softdocs Food Truck Posters done for Softdocs
Rebecca Farmer, designer (visual communications)

Direct Marketing
Foldable Cube Resume Design
Anthony Brickner (visual communications)

Silver Awards

Cross-Platform Consumer Campaign
for PopTart Mini Storyscaping Campaign
Anne Smith, creative strategist (advertising)
Lila Radebaugh, creative strategist (advertising)

Publication Design, Cover
Garnet and Black Magazine
for Garnet & Black Winter 2016 for University of South Carolina
Jake Margle, editor-in-chief (journalism)
Charlotte Price, creative director (visual communications)
Rachel Johnson, art director (visual communications)

USC’s Garnet & Black Magazine Spring Style Shoot 2016
Kyle Hayden, cinematographer and editor (visual communications)
Lina LeGare, creative director (visual communications)
Jay Luebke, cinematographer and drone operator 

Out-Of-Home Poster, Single
Rebound 2016-2017
Kamila Melko DPK, photo illustrator
Kamila Melko, photographer (visual communications)

Book Design
Visual portfolio
Jorge Intriago (visual communications)

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
