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College of Information and Communications

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    Grand Prize

    Cameron Driver, Allstate Mayhem, with Prof. Bonnie Drewniany (Energizer Bunny).

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    Second Place

    Savannah Willis - Keith Stone - Keystone Beer

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    Third Place

    Kaitlyn Finn - Old Spice Man

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    Honorable Mentions

    Ellen Wallinger (Morton Salt) and Kendall Hauser (Jake from State Farm).

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    Staff Dressup

    Rebekah Friedman (Most Interesting Man in the World) and Nancy Twohey (Flo with Progressive)

Ad Characters class dresses up for Halloween

Posted Oct. 31, 2017

It is the last day of class for this one-hour course, Advertising Characters. 

They have studied giggling doughboys. Talking Dogs. Dancing Raisins. They have  explored the stories behind the characters and examined how the beloved characters have evolved over the years.

But today, Halloween, the class capped off their studies by dressing up as their favorite advertising characters. Joined by several faculty and staff, the ad world was well represented. Tony the Tiger made an appearance, as did multiple Brawny Mans, Flos, Energizer Bunnies and Chick-Fil-A cows. 

Awards were presented for the best costumes. Best of Show went to Cameron Driver who dressed as Allstate Mayhem. 

Professor Bonnie Drewniany said the senior advertising major went "all out" and even created a plot for the next Mayhem commercial. "Cameron continued the series and made it relevent to USC," she said. "He paid a lot of attention to detail for both his character and script."

Other winners were:

  • Second place: Savannah Willis - Keith Stone, for Keystone Beer
  • Third place: Kaitlyn Finn - Old Spice Man
  • Honorable mention: Ellen Wallinger - Morton Salt  and Kendall Hauser - Jake from State Farm

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
