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National Fellowships and Scholar Programs

Isabella Williams

McNair Scholar

Verona High School  
Verona, N.J.
Global Studies, Geography

My experience interning at the Rule of Law Collaborative, a job I gained through an Honors class, drastically altered my academic and professional interests. Thanks to the internship, I learned about an entire sector of foreign affairs and international work, all while gaining incredible mentors that have supported me throughout college. 

Isabella Williams headshot

Career plans: I would like to work as an international development professional, designing and implementing grassroots programs that will expand access to justice and education.

Most impactful experience: My experience interning at the Rule of Law Collaborative, a job I gained through an Honors class, drastically altered my academic and professional interests. Thanks to the internship, I learned about an entire sector of foreign affairs and international work, all while gaining incredible mentors that have supported me throughout college. 

Best part of the Top Scholars program: By far, I've enjoyed the Top Scholar community the most. Top Scholars and its programs gave me some of my best, lifelong friends. On a broader level, being a Top Scholar created an automatic group of like-minded friends, as well as a very entertaining group chat. 

UofSC Story: In March 2020, I studied abroad in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel on a faculty-led spring break study abroad trip with Dr. Daniel Ostergaard. As a global studies major concentrating in Middle Eastern conflict, I hadn't received the opportunity to visit the Middle East or meet many people from the Middle East. It was also amazing to see the innovation and history that characterizes that part of the world. Unfortunately, our trip was cut short due to the pandemic, but I fell in love with the country and region and have plans to return. 

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