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National Fellowships and Scholar Programs

Carolina Scholars

Kristen Meredith Livingston

William B. Douglas Carolina Scholar
South Aiken High School
Aiken, SC

The memories created during my time at the University of South Carolina are priceless. When I look back over the past four years, I remember conversations shared with friends, late nights studying for exams, numerous cups of coffee consumed and hours of ballroom dance practice. I remember football games, warm afternoons on the Horseshoe and game nights with friends. I remember dreaming about one day becoming a forensic chemist and then receiving my first graduate school acceptance letter that invited me to pursue my Ph.D. in forensic chemistry. As my time at Carolina comes to an end, I am thankful for the nostalgia I will always carry with me. I have never been as proud as I am now to say, “Forever to thee.” 

Future plans: Kristen will pursue a doctorate in chemistry at the University of Central Florida.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
