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Darla Moore School of Business

Leadership Interview Directory

Name Title and Company Video Guide [pdf] Topics Covered Year Keywords
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Dave Ulrich Co-founder and Principal, The RBL Group and Rensis Likert Professor of Business, U of Michigan guide_dave_ulrich Culture, Role of HR, Profitability, Strategy 2020 david, ulrich, rbl, Culture, Role of HR, Profitability, Strategy
Michael W. Lamach Chairman and CEO, Ingersoll Rand guide_lamach_ir Culture, Talent Management, Executive Succession 2017 michael, lamach, ingersoll rand, Culture, Talent Management, Executive Succession
Jim Bagley and Brad Pugh

Russell Reynolds Associates

guide_russell_reynolds_associates_executives Succession planning, role of a CHRO, executive search, virtual work, diversity 2020 Jim, Bagley, Brad, Pugh, Russell Reynolds, Succession planning, role of a CHRO, executive search, virtual work, diversity
Will Williams National Managing Partner, Tax, KPMG US guide_williams_kpmg Leadership Development, Talent Management, Diversity & Inclusion 2018 will, williams, kpmg, Leadership Development, Talent Management, Diversity & Inclusion 
Robert Andrews CEO, Health Transformation Alliance guide_andrews_hta Business Strategy, Data Analytics, Healthcare 2018 robert, andrews, rob, health, Business Strategy, Data Analytics, Healthcare
Robert Andrews CEO, Health Transformation Alliance guide_rob_andrews_fall_2020 Healthcare, COVID-19, Equity 2020 robert, andrews, hta, health transformation alliance, healthcare, COVID-19, equity

John Thiel & Ben Gilman

Merrill Lynch and Bank of America guide_thiel_gilman_boa  Leadership Development, Employee Engagement, Mergers & Acquisitions  2017 john, thiel, ben, gilman, merrill lynch, bank of america, boa, Leadership Development, Employee Engagement, Mergers & Acquisitions 

Elizabeth Smith

Chairman and CEO, Bloomin' Brands guide_smith_bloominbrands Leadership Development, Talent Management, Culture, Diversity, Board of Directors 2018 elizabeth, smith, liz, bloomin, leadership development, talent management, culture, diversity, board of directors, leaders

Johnny C. Taylor, Jr.

President and CEO, SHRM guide_taylor_shrm Mission, Talent, Leadership, Future of HR, HR Influence 2018  johnny, taylor, shrm, mission, talent, leadership, future of hr, immigration, future of work

Diane C. Creel

Lead Independent Director, Allegheny Technologies Incorporated guide_creel_ati Board of Directors, Lead Director, Function of Board, Board Diversity 2018

diane, creel, ati, lead director, allegheny, function, diversity, board of directors, bod

Skip Spriggs President and CEO, Executive Leadership Council guide_spriggs_elc Executive Leadership Council, Diversity and Inclusion, Talent Development, Board of Directors 2018 skip, spriggs, elc, executive leadership council, access, opportunity, community engagement, talent development, board of directors, bod
Ken Carrig Executive Director, Center for Executive Succession guide_carrig_ces Business Strategy, Execution, Leadership, CEO, Role of HR, Agility 2019 ken, carrig, leadership, role of hr, execution, strategy, ceo, agility
Joe Waring Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Evening Post Industries guide_waring_eveningpost Strategic Partnerships, Business Sustainability, Strategy Execution 2019 joe, waring, evening post, strategy, partnerships, sustainability, execution
Patrick Wright Thomas C. Vandiver Bicentennial Chair, Professor
Director, Center for Executive Succession
guide_wright_dmsb Strategy, Culture, Talent, Talent Management 2019 patrick, wright, professor, strategy, culture, talent, talent management
Ronald A. Williams Former Chairman and CEO, Aetna Inc., 2019 Leadership Legacy Award Winner guide_ron_williams_lla Culture, Values, Strategy, Board of Directors, Talent Management, Diversity, CEO, Function of the Board, Execution 2019 ron, williams, aetna, legacy, culture, values, strategy, directors, board, talent management, diversity, ceo, execution


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