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Program Overview
The Ph.D. program in marketing offers two specializations: Consumer Behavior (CB) and Quantitative Marketing (QM).
The objective of the Ph.D. program in marketing is to prepare doctoral students for academic careers at major research universities. Doctoral students specialize in either CB or QM. Working closely with faculty who are experts in the subject matter, doctoral students will receive specialized training in research methodology and critical thinking skills. The hallmark of the program is the substantial one-on-one mentoring provided by the marketing faculty. Faculty mentors are well-versed in the latest academic literature and theories in marketing and related subjects (e.g., psychology, sociology, economics, quantitative analysis, etc.). Upon completion of the program, students will be prepared for active academic research careers in their chosen area of specialization.
Consumer Behavior Specialization
This specialization focuses on the study of consumer-level behaviors via laboratory studies, field experiments, observational studies, etc., to understand consumer beliefs, feelings and actions. This line of research tends to build from prior work not only in marketing but psychology and sociology. Doctoral students develop a strong understanding of marketing literature generally and allied literature (e.g., psychology, sociology) specifically. They also develop expertise in relevant research methods, which may include experimental research, observational research, field studies and more.
Ph.D. students take classes in marketing and research methods. In addition, students often take classes outside the business school such as psychology or statistics.
Faculty focusing on the CB specialization include:
Abhijit Guha | Elise Ince | Scott Roeder |
Lin Yang | Xiaojing Yang |
Quantitative Marketing Specialization
This specialization looks at issues like firm behavior, manager behavior, customer behavior, firm strategies, market evolution and similar topics. This line of research tends to build from prior work not only in marketing but also economics, management science and strategy. Doctoral students develop a strong understanding of marketing literature generally and also of allied literature, which includes studies related to economics, management science, strategy and more. Students also develop expertise in relevant research methods, which may include methods from fields such as econometrics, statistics, biostatistics and computer science. Doctoral students use large scale datasets (e.g., social media datasets, financial datasets), archival data and field experiments to study questions of interest.
Ph.D. students take classes in marketing and research methods. In addition, students often take classes outside the business school such as computer science, economics or biostatistics.
Faculty focusing on QM include:
Rafael Becerril | Manpreet Gill | Satish Jayachandran | Kartik Kalaignanam |
Cem Ozturk | Sungsik Park | Chen Zhou |
Program Structure
All doctoral students complete a rigorous program which emphasizes three main aspects: academic coursework, dissertation preparation and graduate assistantship.
For more information regarding each of these components and the program progression in general, please visit the Program Structure section.
Placements and Awards
Many of our doctoral students make presentations at major academic conferences and graduate with multiple journal publications. They also develop their professional network, which may include Ph.D. alumni who are now faculty at other schools, faculty at other schools who have visited the Moore School and faculty at other schools with whom a doctoral student may co-author with, based on an introduction from his or her faculty advisor.
All of this often translates into great placements and award-winning research.
Past students are now or have been faculty at top-tier research institutions including:
- Clemson University
- Georgia Tech
- Iowa State University
- Louisiana State University
- North Carolina State University
- Pennsylvania State University
- Texas A&M
- Vanderbilt University
- Virginia Tech
- University of Arkansas
- University of Colorado
- University of Kansas
- University of Kentucky
- University of Nebraska
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of South Florida
- University of Tennessee
- University of Utah
- University of Virginia
Our doctoral students have won many prestigious awards. Examples include:
- Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholar Award
- MSI Scholar Award
- Early Career Contribution Award by the Association of Consumer Research
- Hunt/ Maynard Award, the Lazaridis Prize
- and Others