The Management Science Department faculty showcase their research and real-world experiences in the classroom. Management science faculty are renowned scholars whose research makes groundbreaking findings in a variety of industries, including health care, manufacturing, banking, retail and others.
The management science faculty research topics include supply chain design for sustainable operations, pricing and revenue management, technology innovation, knowledge management, integrating human and algorithmic decision-making, global operations strategy, global sourcing, supply chain management, supply chain modeling and teaching innovation.
Management faculty have earned their degrees from respected institutions that include Duke University, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, University of Alabama, University of Bombay, India, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), the Ohio State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Clemson University, University of Maryland, University of Texas at Dallas, and University of Pennsylvania.
They have worked for multinational organizations including Bank of America, The Dow Chemical Company, IBM, the World Bank, Westinghouse Electric, General Electric, Honda Motor, GE Aviation, JDA Software, Shell Chemical, Siemens and Boeing.
- Cho, S., Pekgün,P., Janakiraman, R. and Wang, J. (2023). “The Competitive Effects
of Online Reviews on Hotel Demand,” forthcoming at Journal of Marketing. Read the paper.
- Davis, A.M., Flicker, B., Hyndman, K., Katok, E., Keppler, S., Leider, S., Long, X. and Tong, J.D. (2023).
"A Replication Study of Operations Management Experiments in Management Science. Management
Science." Read the paper.
- Song, S., Lian, J., Skowronski, K., Yan, T. (2023). "Customer base environmental disclosure and supplier greenhouse
gas emissions: A signaling theory perspective. In press. Journal of Operations Management."
1–26. Read the paper.
- Wowak, K., Handley, S., Kelley, K., and Angst, C. (Forthcoming). "Strategic Sourcing of Multi-Component Software Systems: The Case of Electronic Medical Records. Decision Sciences." Read the paper.
- Ahire, S.L. (2023). "McLeod Health Optimizes Staffing for Patient Room Cleaning." International
Journal of Applied Analytics, 53(2), 155-168. Read the paper.
- Arslan, H. A., Tereyagoglu, N., and Yilmaz, O. (2023). "Scoring a Touchdown with Variable Pricing: Evidence from
a Quasi-Experiment in the NFL Ticket Markets." Management Science, 69(8), 4435-4456.
Read the paper.
- Chung, M., Sharma, L., and Malhotra, M. (2023). "Impact of modularity in mobile app design on launch success."
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Read the paper.
- Hu, W., Skowronski, K., Dong, Y., and Shou, Y. (2023). "Mergers and acquisitions in supply bases." Production and
Operations Management, 32, 1059–1078. Read the paper.
- Huang, X., Atasu, A., Tereyagoglu, N., and Toktay, L. B. (2023). "Lemons, Trade-Ins, and Certified Pre-Owned Programs."
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(2), 737-755. Read the paper.
- Marodin, G.A., Jabbour, C., Filho, G., M., & Tortorella, G. L. (2023). "Lean production, information
and communication technologies and operational performance." Total Quality Management
& Business Excellence, 34(1-2), 183-200. Read the Paper.
- Marodin, G. A., Tortorella, G., Saurin, T. A., and Marcon, E. (2023). "Shop floor performance feedback,
employee's motivation and engagement: study of a beverage distribution company." Management
Decision, 61(6), 1535-1553. Read the paper.
- McKie, E.C., Ahire, S.L. (2023). "Enhancing the Reach of Socially Missioned Nonprofits: Insights from a TOC-LP
Application." INFORMS PubsOnline. Read the paper.
- Queenan, C., and Nargundkar, S. V. (2023). "Strategic assets or second‐class citizens? Teaching‐focused
faculty in business schools." Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. Read the paper.
- Sharma, L and Wani, D. (2023). "Examining the Impact of Internal and External Factors on Bias
in Medical Treatment." Production and Operations Management.
- Zou, F., Dong, F., Song, S., and Rungtusanatham, M. (2023). “Product recalls and supply base innovation." Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. Read the paper.
- Arora, P., Rahmani, M., and Ramachandran, K. (2022). "Doing Less to Do More? Optimal Service
Portfolio of Non-profits that Serve Distressed Individuals." Manufacturing & Service
Operations Management 24 (2), 883-901. Read the paper.
- Balaram, A., Perdikaki, O., and Galbreth, M. (2022). “Bracketing of Purchases to Manage Size Uncertainty: Should
Online Retailers be Worried?” Naval Research Logistics, 69(5), pp. 783-800. Read the paper.
- Cho, S., Ferguson, M., Pekgün, P., and Vakhutinsky, A. (2022). “Estimating Personalized Demand with Unobserved
No-purchases using a Mixture Model: An Application in the Hotel Industry.” Manufacturing
and Service Operations Management, 25(4), 1245-1262. Read the paper.
- Dong, Y, Song, S., and Zou, F. (2022). “Mobile payment services, government involvement, and
mobile network operator performance.” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.
Read the paper.
- Eckerd, S., Handley, S., and Lumineau, F. (2022). "Trust Violations in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Spillovers
and the Contingent Role of Governance Structures." Journal of Supply Chain Management,
58(3), 47-70. Read the paper.
- Enrique, D. V., Marodin, G. A., Santos, F. B. C., & Frank, A. G. (2022). Implementing industry 4.0 for flexibility,
quality, and productivity improvement: technology arrangements for different purposes.
International Journal of Production Research, 1-26. Read the paper.
- Fu, W., Atasu, A., and Tereyagoglu, N. (2022). "Warranty Length, Product Reliability, and Secondary Markets." Manufacturing
& Service Operations Management, 24(4), 2240-2255. Read the paper.
- Handley, S., Skowronski, K., & Thakar, D. (2022). "The Single-Sourcing versus Multisourcing Decision in IT Outsourcing."
Journal of Operations Management, 68(6-7), 702-727. Read the paper.
- Miller, J.W., Skowronski, K., Saldahna, J.P. (2022). "Asset Ownership & Incentives to Undertake Non-Contractible
Actions: The Case of Trucking." Journal of Supply Chain Management, 58, 65–91. Read the paper.
- Ozturk, C., Tereyagoglu, N. (2022). "Distribution Channel Relationships in the Presence of Multimarket Contact."
Production and Operations Management, 31(1), 218-238. Read the paper.
- Skowronski, K., Benton, W., & Handley, S. (2022). "The Moderating Influence of Culture on the Relationship Between Power and
Shirking." Journal of Operations Management, 68(3), 270-301. Read the paper.
- Song, S., Dong, Y., Kull, T., Carter, C., and Xu, K. (2022). “Supply chain leakage of greenhouse gas
emissions.” Production and Operations Management, 32(3), 882-903. Read the paper.
- Taddy, M., Hendrix, L., & Harding, M. (2022). Modern Business Analytics, McGraw-Hill. Read the paper.
- Tortorella, G. L., Marodin, G., Saurin, T. A., Li, W., & Staines, J. (2022). "How have lean supply chains coped
with the COVID-19 pandemic? A normal accidents theory perspective." Production Planning
& Control, 1-18. Read the paper.
- Wooten, J. O. (2022). "Leaps in innovation and the Bannister effect in contests." Production and
Operations Management, 31(6), 2646-2663. Read the paper.
- Wooten, J. O., Cho, S., Fry, T. D., & Donohue, J. M. (2022). "Overcoming cost disadvantages in procurement auctions."
Decision Sciences, 53(3), 486-513. Read the paper.
- Yılmaz, Ö., Ferguson, M., Pekgün, P., and Shang, G. (2022), “Strategic Behavior for Hotel Standby Upgrade Programs: Empirical Evidence and Pricing Implications”, Journal of Operations Management, 68, 675-701. Read the paper.
- Anand, G., Chandrasekaran, A, & Sharma, L. (2021). "Sustainable Process Improvements: Evidence from Intervention-Based Research."
Journal of Operations Management, 67(2), 212-236. Read the paper.
- Arora, P., Wei, W. and Solak, S. (2021). "Improving Outcomes in Child Care Subsidy Voucher
Programs under Regional Asymmetries." Production and Operations Management, 30(12),
4435-4454. Read the paper.
- Dong, Y., Song, S., Venkataraman, S., and Yao, Y. (2021). “Mobile Money and Mobile Technologies: A Structural Estimation.”
Information System Research 32(1), 18-34. Read the paper.
- Dong, Y., Xu, K., Song, S., and Zhou, C. (2021). “Consumer quality reference in product recalls.”
Decision Sciences 52(4), 893-919. Read the paper.
- Gnanlet, A., Sharma, L., McDermott, C., and Yayla-Kullu, H. (2021). "Impact of Supplemental and Float Staffing
Policies on Perceived Quality of Care: A Moderating effect severity of illness and
workload." International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Read the paper.
- Gottschalck, N., Branner, K., Rolan, L., and Kellermanns, F. (2021). "Cross-level effects of entrepreneurial orientation
and ambidexterity on the resilience of small business owners." Journal of Small Business
Management, 1-37. Read the paper.
- Heese, H.S., Kemahlioglu-Ziya, E., and Perdikaki, O. (2021). “Outsourcing under Competition and Scale Economies: When to Choose a Competitor
as a Supplier.” Decision Sciences, 52(5), pp. 1209-1241. Read the paper.
- Henrique, D. B., Filho, M. G., Marodin, G., Jabbour, A. B. L. D. S., & Chiappetta Jabbour, C. J. (2021). "A framework to assess
sustaining continuous improvement in lean healthcare." International Journal of Production
Research, 59(10), 2885-2904. Read the paper.
- Kim, D., Pekgün, P., Yıldırım, İ. and Keskinocak, P. (2021). “Resource Allocation
for Two Types of Vaccines against COVID-19: Tradeoffs and Synergies between Efficacy
and Reach.” Vaccine, 39(47), pp. 6876-6882. Read the paper.
- Sharma, L., Guha, A., Olson, J. & McDougal, L. (2021). "How blockchains will transform the healthcare
ecosystem." Business Horizons. Read the paper.
- Walker, L., McAlearney, J., Sharma, L., & Kim, Y.H. (2021). "Examining the financial and Quality Performance Effects of
Group Purchasing Organizations." Health Care Management Review. Read the paper.
- Wani, D., Dong, Y., Xu, K., and Malhotra, M. (2021). “Emissions and emerging market penetration: The effect of institutional development.” Decision Sciences 52(1), 283-324. Read the paper.
- Arora, P., Hora, M., Singhal, V.R., and Subramanian, R. (2020). "When do Appointments of Corporate
Sustainability Executives Affect Shareholder Value?" Journal of Operations Management
66 (4), 464-487. Read the paper.
- Ataseven, C., Nair, A., and Ferguson, Mark. (2020). "The role of supply chain integration instrengthening the performance of
not-for-profit organizations: Evidence from the food bankingindustry." Journal of
Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 10(2), pp. 101-123.
- Dong, Y., Skowronski, K., Song, S., Venkataraman, S., Zou, F. (2020). "Supply Base Innovation and Firm Financial Performance." Journal
of Operations Management, 66, 768–796. Read the paper.
- Ferguson, Mark. (2020). "Estimating Demand with Constrained Data and Product Substitutions." Channel
Strategies and Marketing Mix in a Connected World, pp. 1-27.
- Frandsen, C., Nielsen, M., Chaudhuri, A., Jayaram, Jay, Govindan, K. (2020). "In search forclassification and selection of spare parts suitable
for additive manufacturing: A literature review." International Journal of Production
Research, 58(4), pp. 970-996.
- Jayaram, Jay, Amling, A., Chaudhuri, A., McMackin, D. (2020). "Prime time for additive manufacturing."
Supply Chain Management Review, 24(2), pp. 36-43.
- Negrão, L. L. L., Godinho Filho, M., Ganga, G. M. D., Chopra, S., Thürer, M., Sacomano
Neto, M., & Marodin, G. A. (2020). "Lean manufacturing implementation in regions with scarce resources: A survey
in the Amazon Region of Brazil." Management Decision, 58(2), 313-343. Read the paper.
- Pak, O., Ferguson, Mark, Perdikaki, Olga., and Wu, S-M. (2020). "Optimizing Stock-Keeping UnitSelection for Promotional Display
Space at Grocery Retailers." Journal of Operations Management, 66(5), pp. 501-533.
Read the paper.
- Patel, P.C., Kaur, G., Gupta, M.C., Jayaram, Jay. (2020). "Service profit chain and throughputorientation: A manager-employee-customer
triad perspective in services." International Journal ofProduction Research, 58(17),
pp. 5196-5217.
- Shang, G., McKie, E. C., Ferguson, Mark, and Galbreth, M. R. (2020). "Using transactions data toimprove consumer returns forecasting.
" Journal of Operations Management, 66(3), pp. 326-348.
- Sharma, L., Chandrasekaran, A & Bendoly, E. (2020). "Does the Office of Patient Experience Matter
in Improving Delivery of Care?" As Econometric study of US Hospitals, Production and
Operations Management, 29(4): 833-855. Read the paper.
- Skowronski, K., Benton, W.C., Hill, J.A. (2020). "Perceived Supplier Opportunism in Outsourcing
Relationships in Emerging Economies." Journal of Operations Management, 66, 989– 1023.
Read the paper.
- Wooten, J. O., Donohue, J. M., Fry, T. D., & Whitcomb, K. M. (2020). To thine own self be true: Asymmetric information in procurement auctions. Production and Operations Management, 29(7), 1679-1701. Read the paper.
- Chaudhuri, A. and J. Jayaram (2019). “A Socio-Technical View of Performance Impact of Integrated Quality and Sustainability
Strategies.” International Journal of Production Research, 57(5), 1478-1496.
- Ghosh, S., Jayaram, J., and Tiwari, M.K. (2019). “Enhancing supply chain resilience using ontology based
decision support system.” International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing,
32(7), 642-657.
- Marodin, G.A., Frank, A., Tortorella, G.L. and Fettermann, T.A. (2019). "Lean production and operational
performance in the Brazilian automotive supply chain." Total Quality Management &
Business Excellence, 30(3-4), 370-385.Pathak, S., Sen.
- P.K., Jayaram, J. and Miller, J. (2019). “Like Poles Repel While Unlike Poles Attract”: Conditional
Performance Effects Of Supply Base R&D, Focal-Firm R&D, and Commercialization.” Decision
Sciences Journal, 50(5), 985-1030.
- Pekgün, P., Park, M., Keskinocak, P., and Janakiram, M. (2019). “Does Forecast-Accuracy Based Allocation
Induce Customers to Share Truthful Order Forecasts?” Production and Operations Management,
28(10), 2500-2513.
- Roth, A. V.*, A. L. Tucker*, S. Venkataraman*, and Chilingerian, J. (2019). “Being on the Productivity Frontier: Identifying “Triple
Aim Performance” in Hospitals.” Production and Operations Management, 28(9), 2165-2183.
*Equal Contribution.
- Shang, G., Ferguson, M., and Galbreth, M. (2019). “Where Should I Focus My Return Reduction Efforts? Data-Driven
Guidance for Retailers.” To appear in Decision Sciences Journal, 50(4), 877-909.
- Smith, J., Jayaram, J., Wolter, J., and Ponsignon, F. (2019) “Service Recovery System Antecedents: A Contingency Theory Investigation.” Journal of Service Management, 30(2), 276-300.
- Ahire, S. and P. Pekgün, 2018, “Harvest Hope Food Bank Optimizes its Promotional Strategy to Raise Donations
using Integer Programming.” INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (Interfaces), 48(4),
- Fry, T.D., Metcalf, A.Y., Stoller, J. and M. Haberman, 2018, "The Impact of Quality Management
Practices and Employee Empowerment in US Hospitals: A Socio-technical Perspective."
International Journal Production Research.
- McKie, E., Ferguson, M., Galbreth, M. and S. Venkataraman, 2018, “How Consumers Choose Between Multiple Product Generations and Conditions.”
Production and Operations Management, 27(8), 1574-1594.
- Pekgün, P., Galbreth, M. and B. Ghosh, 2018, “How Perceptions of User Reviews Impact Competition under Partial
Consumer Awareness." Decision Sciences, 49(2), pp. 250-274.
- Shang, G., Ferguson, M. and M. Galbreth, 2018, “Where Should I Focus My Return Reduction Efforts? Data-Driven Guidance for
Retailers.” Decision Sciences.
- Skowronski, K. and W.C. Benton, 2018, "The Influence of Intellectual Property Rights on Poaching
in Manufacturing Outsourcing." Production and Operations Management, 27(3), 531–552.
- Wooten, J. and C. Tang, 2018, “Operations in Space: Exploring a New Industry.” Decision Sciences.
- Ahire, S. and Jensen J., 2017 “Snider Tire Optimizes its Customers-Stores-Plants Transportation Network.” Interfaces,
47(2), 150-162.
- Angst, C., Wowak, K., Handley, S. and K. Kelley, 2017, “Antecedents of Information Systems Sourcing Strategies in U.S.
hospitals: A Longitudinal Study.” MIS Quarterly, 41 (4), 1129-1152.
- Ataseven, C., Ferguson, M. and A. Nair, 2017, “An Examination of the Relationship Between Intellectual Capital
and Supply Chain Integration in Humanitarian Aid Organizations: A Survey-based Investigation
of Food Banks.” Decision Sciences.
- Bellos, I., Ferguson, M. and B. Toktay, 2017, “To Sell and to Provide? Interaction of Business Model Choice
and Product Line Design.” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 19(2), 185-201.
- Formby, S. F., Malhotra, M.K. and Ahire, S.L., 2017, “The Complex Influences of Quality Management Leadership and Workforce Involvement
on Manufacturing Firm Success,” International Journal of Productivity and Performance
- Gray, J. V., Esenduran, G., Rungtusanatham, M.J., and K. Skowronski, 2017, " Why in the World Did They Reshore? Examining Small to Medium-Sized Manufacturer
Decisions." Journal of Operations Management, 49-51, 37-51.
- Handley, S., 2017, “How Governance Misalignment and Outsourcing Capability Impact Performance.”
Production and Operations Management, 26 (1), 134-155.
- Malhotra, M. K., Ahire, S. and Guangzhi Shang, 2017, "Mitigating the Impact of Functional Dominance in Cross‐Functional
Process Improvement Teams." Decision Sciences, vol. 48 issue 1 pp: 39-70.
- Negrao, L., Godinho Filho, M. and Marodin, G.A., 2017, "Lean practices and their effect on performance: literature review,\." Production
Planning & Control, v. 28, n. 1, p. 33.56.
- Nicolae, M., Arıkan, M., Deshpande, V. and M. Ferguson, 2017, “Do Bags Fly Free? An Empirical Analysis of the Operational Implications of
Airline Baggage Fees.” Management Science 63(10), 3187-3206.
- Pekgün, P., Griffin, P. M. and P. Keskinocak, 2017, “Centralized vs. Decentralized Competition
for Price and Lead-time Sensitive Demand.”Decision Sciences, 48(6), pp. 1198-1227.
- Shang, G, Ghosh, B. and M. Galbreth, 2017. "Optimal Retail Return Policies with Wardrobing." Production and Operations
Management, 26(7), 1315-1332.
- Shang, G., Pekgün, P., Ferguson, M. and M. Galbreth, 2017, “How Much Do Online Consumers Really Value Free Product Returns?” Journal
of Operations Management, 53-56, 45-62.
- Tiwari, V., C. Queenan and P. St. Jacques, 2017, “Impact of waiting and provider behavior on surgical outpatients’
perception of care.” Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management. Volume 7 pages
- Wooten, J. and K. Ulrich, 2017, “Idea Generation and the Role of Feedback: Evidence from Field
Experiments with Innovation Tournaments,” Production and Operations Management, 26(1),
- Yilmaz, Ö., P. Pekgün and M. Ferguson, 2017, “Would You Like to Upgrade to a Premium Room? Evaluating the Benefit of Offering Standby Upgrades,” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 19(1), pp. 1-18.
Research in the News
Warranty and Reliability
Management science faculty explore warranty offerings as they relate to product reliability
and producers’ involvement in secondary markets.
Mobile Money, Technology Benefit Emerging Countries
Mobile money is popular in Africa, South America and Asia, where many people don’t
have access to formal banking systems.
The Power of Improving Post-Op Instructions
The process improvements to a kidney transplant team’s post-operating procedures greatly
reduced complications, which in turn lowered patient re-admission rates.
Understanding Pricing Strategies via Primary, Resale Markets
The resale markets for retail, automotive and entertainment goods are growing faster
than their primary counterparts, a trend for which operational decision-makers will
have to take into account.
Moore School Associate Professor Elected to INFORMS Board of Directors
Pekgün, who will serve as vice president of membership and professional recognition,
has been passionate about closing the gap between industry and academia.
Former Chick-fil-A Senior Analyst Emphasizes Data Proficiency
Launching the Chick-fil-A One app suddenly gave the fast food company massive amounts
of consumer data.
Time in Korean Air Force Motivates Ph.D. Studies Toward Fixing Inefficiencies
A new statistical method is being developed for hotels to better predict guest preferences,
as hotels look for innovative ways to differentiate their services.
Gauging Responses to the Affordable Care Act by Hospitals, Physicians
If the goal of policy change is to improve the quality of health care outputs, it
is critical to understand how health care providers adapt. A dissertation provides
evidence that underlying operational factors can impact how well policy achieves its
Where are the Profitable Retail Products? At the End of the Aisle
A Moore School team team looked to beer to develop an estimation and optimization
model that can indicate to retailers which product has the best chance of being selected
from a display rack but also which variety is best to display for a given week.
Technology, Communication Affect Hospital Malpractice Suits
Hospitals that implement new health information technology systems see a decrease
in medical malpractice suits – but only if medical providers are effective communicators.
In the Balance: Computer Intelligence vs. Human Awareness
Computers can quickly generate answers to business questions while being unaware of
events in the physical world, whereas people can adjust to economic trends, breaking
news and culture in ways computers can't.