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Darla Moore School of Business

UofSC teams win first, fourth at Third Annual Southeastern Regional Tax Challenge

Feb. 22, 2019

Two teams made up of University of South Carolina law and Moore School Master of Accountancy (MACC) students placed first and fourth in the Third Annual Southeastern Regional Tax Challenge last week.

They competed against 12 other teams from nine different SEC schools. The final four consisted of the two USC teams, a University of Tennessee team and a University of Georgia team.

The first-place team included MACC candidate JM Williams and third-year law students Jeff Blaylock and Kelsey Poorman, who came down with the flu and was unable to present. The fourth-place team included third-year law student Ben Satterthwaite and MACC candidates Alexx Henley and Sarah-Ellen Floyd.

The winning team received a prize of $2,500, while the fourth-place team received $500. In addition, Williams was one of few students to win the Best Presenter award.

“What is especially unique about this competition is that law school students and MACC candidates compete together,” said Donna Schmitt, a faculty adviser and Moore School accounting professor. “The students got a lot out of working with each other and gaining new perspectives.”

The law and business schools plan to compete next year and will hopefully continue to dominate in the next competition.

By Samantha Hayes

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