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Darla Moore School of Business

Post Jobs and Internships

Thank you for your interest in our students. Advertise your full-time or internship positions to Moore School business students and alumni through the Office of Career Management. 

Most of the services you will use are managed online.  Job fairs, career events and on-campus interviewing will help you meet and screen candidates to refine your applicant pool.

Many companies use internships to “try out” prospective talent for future full-time employment. If your company is not yet recruiting at the Moore School, we'd like to change that. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 51.7 percent of interns will continue to work for the company full-time after graduation. These former interns show a higher five-year retention rate in comparison to other new hires. Invest in your company today. 

Let us help you recruit, structure and post positions on the Moore School’s online recruiting system, Handshake. Employer access is free. Create an account and post your opportunities today.

To post vacancies and search candidates, follow the directions below to create an account in Handshake. 

  1. Use the the Handshake Employer User Guide [pdf] to create an account in Handshake.
  2. If you are a new employer or contact, your Handshake profile will be reviewed and approved within 72 hours. 
  3. Once you are approved, click on the "Job Postings" link on the left bar of your Handshake homepage to create a job posting. 
  4. Select "New Job" on the top right toolbar. 

Visit Handshake Support for help setting up your account and posting jobs and internships.

For more information, please contact: 

LaTasha Saunders
Employer Relations Coordinator
USC Career Center

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
