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College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

Department of Retailing Publication Highlights

Check out the profile pages on our faculty and staff directory to see more of the great research being done by the Department of Retailing.

Faculty Spotlights

  • Sang-eun Byun headshot

    Sang-eun Byun, Ph.D.

    Associate professor Sang-eun Byun's research focuses on; consumer’s cognitive, emotional, neural, and behavioral reactions in offline / online retail environments; customer engagement and experience creation; CSR communication strategies; and small business and entrepreneurship.

  • Jeffrey Campbell headshot

    Jeffrey Campbell, Ph.D.

    Associate professor Jeffrey Campbell is chair of the Department of Retailing. His research includes areas such as food retailing and sustainability, consumer behavior, small business and entrepreneurship, store format (including grocery, online, and farmers’ markets), and agribusiness
    business strategy.

  • Md. Rafiqul Islam Rana headshot

    Md. Rafiqul Islam Rana, Ph.D.

    Assistant professor Md. Rafiqul Islam Rana's research is a blend of supply chain management in the textile and apparel industry, emerging retail strategies and digital innovation, consumer behavior in omnichannel settings, fashion informatics and sustainability.

Research Highlight

Yoo, J., Kim, J-H., Kim, M., Park, M. (2023). Imagery evoking visual and verbal information presentations in digital commerce: The roles of augmented reality and product review. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing.

Jung-Hwan Kim headshot
Associate Professor Jung-Hwan Kim

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of visual and verbal information presentations on mental imagery, perceived informativeness and purchase intention. The study assesses two types of product-related information: (1) visual information: static product images and augmented reality (AR) and (2) verbal information: abstract and concrete product reviews.

A total of 320 mobile consumers participated in the experiment. To increase external validity, this study was conducted in an existing digital shopping environment.

The results suggest that AR has a greater effect on consumers' shopping outcomes than static images. The findings further reveal that concrete product reviews are important in increasing mental imagery, perceived informativeness and purchase intention when visual information does not provide an AR function.

This study contributes to the current literature by providing empirical support for AR effects and concrete reviews on consumer responses. The results further provide an important perspective for retailers seeking ways to develop effective information presentations in digital retailing.

2021 Department of Retailing Published Work Highlights

Bold = USC faculty

Author Title, Publication, DOI Keywords
(hidden column)
Carpenter, C., Byun, S.-E., Turner-McGrievy, G., & West, D. An exploration of domain-specific sedentary behaviors in college students by lifestyle factors and sociodemographics, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10.3390/ijerph18189930  
Ginder, W., & Byun, S.-E. To trust or not to trust? The interplay between labor-related CSR claim type and prior CSR reputation of apparel retailers, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102875  
Ginder, W., Kwon, W. S., & Byun, S.-E. Effects of internal-external congruence-based CSR positioning: An attribution theory approach, Journal of Business Ethics, 10.1007/s10551-019-04282-w  
Kim, J.-H., Kim, M., Park, M., & Yoo, J. How interactivity and vividness influence consumer virtual reality shopping experience: The mediating role of telepresence, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 10.1108/JRIM-07-2020-0148  
Kim, M., Kim, J.-H., Park, M., & Yoo, J. The roles of sensory perceptions and mental imagery in consumer decision-making, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102517  
Kim, H., Park, M., Kim, M., Kim, J.-H., & Yoo, J. The study on consumers’ decision making processes in offline shopping environments, Journal of the Korean Society of Design Culture,  
Kim, J.-H., Kim, M., Yoo, J., & Park, M. Consumer decision-making in a retail store: The role of mental imagery and gender difference, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 10.1108/IJRDM-10-2019-0353  
Mann, M., Byun, S.-E., & Ginder, W. B Corps' social media communications during the COVID-19 pandemic: Through the lens of the triple bottom line, Sustainability, 10.3390/su13179634  
Mann, M., Ginder, W., & Byun, S.-E. Highs and lows of cannabis decriminalization: Twitter analysis and ethical and regulatory implications for retailing and marketing, Journal of Global Marketing, 10.1080/08911762.2021.1958971  
Nealon, M., & Kim, J.-H. The short-term and long-term effects of COVID-19 on the fashion retail industry, Journal of Textile Science & Fashion Technology, 10.33552/JTSFT.2021.08.000691  
Rosenbaum, M. S., Kim, K., Ramirez, G. C., Orejuela, A. R., & Park, J. Improving well-being via adaptive reuse: Transformative repurposed service organizations, The Service Industries Journal, 10.1080/02642069.2019.1615897  
Rosenbaum, M. S., Ramirez, G. C., Campbell, J., & Klaus, P. The product is me: Hyper-personalized consumer goods as unconventional luxury, Journal of Business Research, 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.05.017  
Watanabe, N. M.Kim, J., & Park, J. Social network analysis and domestic and international retailers: An investigation of social media networks of cosmetic brands, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102301  

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