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School of Music

Bachelor of Science in Music Industry Studies

The University of South Carolina School of Music is excited to reveal a new degree program focused on studies within the music industry.  Created in cooperation with the nationally renowned Darla Moore School of Business and the University’s Sport and Entertainment Management program, the Bachelor of Science in Music Industry Studies is a liberal arts degree with a major in music industry studies featuring coursework intended to provide students desiring a career in the $12.8 billion music industry with the skills and dispositions that can make the dream a reality.  Along with classes focused in the various music industries, business, marketing, and recording skills, students will also acquire an education in musical theory, history, and performance, creating well-rounded graduates able to speak the language of music as well as navigate the myriad aspects of the music industry. 

To enhance learning in the classroom, students will have ample opportunities for experiential learning with local and regional music venues, artists, artists managers, promoters, recording studios, musical instrument producers, and music retailers of all kinds.  Unique to this degree is the lack of traditional audition; prospective students will instead complete a portfolio and interview process for acceptance into the program.

Students interested in this program should contact Coordinator of Music Industry Studies, Jeremy Polley, via email at  Application requirements can be found in our undergraduate auditions area.

Bachelor of Science - Music Industry Studies - 121 credits total

Carolina Core
a) Aesthetic Interpretation and Understanding (AIU): any CC-AIU course other than MUSC [3 credits]
b) Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (ARP): any CC-ARP course [6 credits]
c) Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Written (CMW): ENGL 101, 102 [passed with "C" or higher, 6 credits]
d) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (GSS):  any CC-GSS courses [3 credits]
e) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (GHS):any CC-GHS course [3 credits]
f) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language (GFL): Language Proficiency through 122 [0-7 credits]
g) Scientific Literacy (SCI): Two 4-credit hour CC-SCI courses [8 credits]
h) Overlay Eligible Courses: Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component (CMS); Information Literacy (INF); Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility (VSR); up to two of these requirements may be met in overlay courses [3-9 credits]
i) Electives [0-7 credits]
39 credits
Music Requirements
a) Music Theory and Aural Skills: MUSC 115, 117, 118, 215 [8 Credits]
b) Popular Music History: MUSC 113 or MUSC 140 [3 Credits]
c) Applied Music Courses: must include MUSC 104; 3 courses selected from MUED 155, 156; MUSC 103, 105,165, 203, or 265; may also be satisfied via MUSC 101 (audition required) [8 Credits]
d) Music Psychology: MUSC 210 [3 Credits]
e) Digital Music: MUSC 230 or 231 [3 credits]
f) Ensembles  [4 credits]
g) Music Electives [9 Credits]
h) Recital Class: MUSC 100 [0 credits; 5 semesters]
i) Music Advocacy: MUSC 100A [0 credits]
j) Recital Class Lab: MUSC 100L [1 Credit]
39 credits
Music Industry Courses
a) ECON 224: Introduction to Economics [3 credits]
b) MGMT 371: Principles of Management [3 credits]
c) MUSC 305: Introduction to Music Industry Studies [1 credit]
d) MUSC 365: An Introduction to Audio Recording Techniques [3 credits]
e) MUSC 498: Music Practicum [2 semesters, 6 credits]
f) MUSC 565: Advanced Audio Recording Techniques [3 credits]
g) MUSC 566: Fundamentals of Sound Use for Media or  MUSC 567 Recording Studio Techniques [3 credits]
h) MUSC 580: Music & Arts Entrepreneurship [3 credits]
i) MUSC 582: Music and Money [3 credits]
j) MUSC 593: Arts Marketing [3 credits]
k) SPTE 202: Introduction to Live Entertainment Management [3 credits]
l) SPTE 240: Business Law [3 credits]
m) SPTE 302: Artist Representation and Management [3 credits]
n) SPTE 303: Live Entertainment Tour Management [3 credits]
43 credits

Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan

Requirements for previous academic years may be found here.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
