Faculty |
Aries, Jennifer |
Adjunct Faculty |
jaries@mailbox.sc.edu |
Adjunct Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Staff |
Ashford, Kelsey |
Undergraduate Academic Advisor |
803-777-0333 |
ashforka@mailbox.sc.edu |
College of Information and Communications,Student Services-Undergraduate,Academic Advisors |
Staff |
Ayers, Ava |
Graduate Advisor, iSchool |
a_ayers@sc.edu |
iSchool,Student Services-Graduate-iSchool,Staff |
Staff |
Beals, Sam |
Graduate Student Services Manager, SJMC |
803-777-5166 |
beals@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff,SJMC,Student Services-Graduate-SJMC |
Staff |
Blake-Lynch, Shannon R. |
Undergraduate Academic Advisor |
803-777-5479 |
blakesr@email.sc.edu |
Academic Advisors,Student Services-Undergraduate,Staff,CIC,College of Information and Communications |
Faculty |
Boswell, Tyler |
Adjunct Faculty |
On-Site Director, Engineer, USC Athletics |
803-777-9091 |
boswellf@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,Adjunct Faculty |
Faculty |
Bowen, Shannon A., Ph.D. |
Professor |
803-777-3764 |
sbowen@sc.edu |
sjmc, public relations |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,Public Relations,SJMC Graduate Faculty |
Staff |
Boyd, Rebecca |
Undergraduate Student Services Manager |
803-777-3311 |
boydrr@mailbox.sc.edu |
College of Information and Communications,Staff,Academic Advisors,Student Services-Undergraduate |
Faculty |
Brannon, Greg |
Instructor |
803-777-9313 |
jgbranno@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc, broadcast |
Journalism,Faculty-SJMC,Sports Media,SJMC,Broadcast Journalism |
Faculty |
Brook, Nina |
Journalism Sequence Head |
Scholastic Media Programs Director |
803-576-6322 |
nmbrook@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc, journalism |
Multimedia Journalism,SJMC,Faculty-SJMC,Journalism |
Faculty |
Burns, Andy |
Instructor |
803-777-0205 |
burnssa4@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc, broadcast |
SJMC,Journalism,Broadcast Journalism,Faculty-SJMC |
Staff |
Calkins, Amy |
Executive Assistant to the Dean |
803-777-6361 |
amycalkins@sc.edu |
CIC,College of Information and Communications,Staff |
Faculty |
Campbell, Kenneth, Ph.D. |
Interim Associate Director of Graduate Studies |
Associate Professor |
803-777-3316 |
kcampbell@sc.edu |
sjmc,mass communications |
SJMC,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC Graduate Faculty,Mass Communications |
Staff |
Carroll, Kelli M. |
Adjunct Faculty |
kc142@mailbox.sc.edu |
Student Services-Graduate-SJMC,College of Information and Communications,Staff,Student Services-Undergraduate,CIC |
Faculty |
Carter, Shirley Staples, Ph.D. |
Associate Dean for Access and Engagement |
Professor |
803-777-3324 |
sscarter@mailbox.sc.edu |
cic, public relations, sjmc |
Administration,SJMC Graduate Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,College of Information and Communications,Public Relations,CIC |
Faculty |
Chambliss, Ed |
Adjunct Faculty |
310-663-5409 |
chamble@mailbox.sc.edu |
Adjunct Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Faculty |
Collins, Erik, Ph.D., J.D. |
Professor Emeritus |
803-777-3310 |
erik.collins@sc.edu |
SJMC,Faculty-SJMC |
Faculty |
Colón-Aguirre, Mónica, Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
803-777-8068 |
colonagm@mailbox.sc.edu |
Monica Colon-Aguirre |
iSchool,Faculty-iSchool |
Faculty |
Cooke, Nicole A., Ph.D. |
Augusta Baker Endowed Chair |
Professor |
ncooke@mailbox.sc.edu |
iSchool,Faculty-iSchool |
Faculty |
Copeland, Clayton A., Ph.D. |
Instructor |
803-777-4311 |
copelan2@mailbox.sc.edu |
library |
iSchool,Faculty-iSchool |
Faculty |
Coward, Amy T., APR, Fellow PRSA |
Director of Strategic Communications |
Instructor |
cowardat@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,Public Relations,College of Information and Communications,Administration |
Staff |
D'Autel, Jens Pierre Eugene |
IT and Facilities Manager |
803-777-2750 |
pierred@sc.edu |
cic,IT staff, |
IT Staff,College of Information and Communications,CIC,Staff |
Faculty |
Davis, Kelly, APR, Fellow PRSA |
Public Relations Sequence Head |
Senior Instructor |
803-777-3427 |
kellydavis@sc.edu |
sjmc, pr, public relations |
Public Relations,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Faculty |
Dearybury, Jed |
Adjunct Faculty |
864-384-1127 |
jedeary@uscupstate.edu |
Adjunct Faculty,Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Staff |
Domanico, Ellyn |
Graduate Student Services Manager, iSchool |
803-777-8750 |
domanico@email.sc.edu |
Staff,Student Services-Graduate-iSchool,iSchool |
Staff |
Edmonds, Rivir |
Event and Promotions Manager |
803-777-6284 |
rivir@email.sc.edu |
College of Information and Communications,Staff,CIC,Communications and Events |
Faculty |
Edrington, Candice L., Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
803-777-3325 |
candicee@mailbox.sc.edu |
Public Relations,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC Graduate Faculty,SJMC |
Faculty |
Evans, Jabari Miles, Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor of Race and Media |
803-777-1154 |
je27@mailbox.sc.edu |
SJMC,Mass Communications,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC Graduate Faculty |
Staff |
Farlowe, Art |
Senior Academic Advisor |
803-777-5168 |
afarlowe@mailbox.sc.edu |
student services, cic |
Academic Advisors,Student Services-Undergraduate,Staff,College of Information and Communications,CIC |
Faculty |
Farrand, Scott |
Senior Instructor |
803-777-6422 |
farrand@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc, visual communications, vis comm |
Visual Communications,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,Multimedia Journalism |
Staff |
Faulk, Christopher |
Finance Manager |
803-777-6791 |
faulkcc@email.sc.edu |
Staff,College of Information and Communications,CIC |
Staff |
Ferguson, Matilda Louise |
Administrative Coordinator |
803-777-3858 |
fergusml@mailbox.sc.edu |
iSchool,Staff |
Faculty |
Fitzpatrick, Mary Anne, Ph.D. |
Educational Foundation Distinguished Professor |
Interim Dean of the Faculty and Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs |
803-777-2808 |
fitzpatm@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc, mass communications |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,Mass Communications,SJMC Graduate Faculty |
Faculty |
Fort, Valerie Byrd |
Instructor |
803-777-1730 |
valbyrd@mailbox.sc.edu |
slis, cre |
Faculty-iSchool,iSchool,SCCCL,South Carolina Center for Community Literacy |
Staff |
Fowler, Roger, Jr. |
Academic Advisor |
803-777-6554 |
fowler4@mailbox.sc.edu |
College of Information and Communications,Academic Advisors,CIC,Student Services-Undergraduate |
Faculty |
Freeburg, Darin, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
803-777-0446 |
darinf@mailbox.sc.edu |
slis,information science |
Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Staff |
Goetowski, Bridget M. |
Office Coordinator |
Instructor |
803-777-6549 |
goetowsb@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff,SJMC,Faculty-SJMC |
Staff |
Grace, Colin Thomas |
Social Media Insights Lab Manager |
803-777-9915 |
cgrace@email.sc.edu |
College of Information and Communications,Staff |
Faculty |
Groover, RaeKwon J, MFA |
Instructor |
Visual Communications Coordinator |
rgroover@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff,Faculty-SJMC,Communications and Events |
Faculty |
Haan, David |
Adjunct Faculty |
404-759-0558 |
davehaan17@gmail.com |
Faculty-SJMC,Adjunct Faculty,SJMC |
Faculty |
Habib, Sabrina H., Ph.D. |
Visual Communications Sequence Head |
Associate Professor |
803-576-6746 |
shabib@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc, vis com, visual communications |
Visual Communications,SJMC Graduate Faculty,SJMC,Faculty-SJMC |
Staff |
Hall, Patty A. |
Webmaster |
803-777-2696 |
phall@sc.edu |
cic, IT |
CIC,Communications and Events,Staff,College of Information and Communications |
Staff |
Hartnett, Elizabeth J., Ph.D. |
Instructor |
Head Librarian, South Carolina Center for Community Literacy |
803-777-9714 |
lizjh@sc.edu |
Faculty-iSchool,SCCCL,iSchool,South Carolina Center for Community Literacy |
Faculty |
Hatfield, Haley R., Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
hrhatfield@sc.edu |
Visual Communications,SJMC Graduate Faculty,SJMC,Faculty-SJMC |
Staff |
Heath, Randy Dantrell |
Graduate Advisor, iSchool |
803-777-0825 |
heathrd2@email.sc.edu |
Student Services-Graduate-iSchool,Staff,iSchool |
Staff |
Hogg, Britt |
Kennedy Greenhouse Studio Operation Manager |
Instructor |
803-777-3248 |
bhogg@mailbox.sc.edu |
Adjunct Faculty,IT Staff,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,Staff |
Staff |
Hudson, Hillary |
Assistant Director of Development |
803-777-6146 |
hudsonh@sc.edu |
CIC,Staff,College of Information and Communications,Alumni Relations and Development |
Faculty |
Hull, Kevin, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
Sports Media Lead |
803-777-4746 |
khull@mailbox.sc.edu |
journalism, broadcast, sjmc |
Journalism,Broadcast Journalism,SJMC,SJMC Graduate Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,Sports Media |
Staff |
Hutt, Julie |
Career Services Manager |
803-777-6827 |
jhutt@sc.edu |
Student Services-Undergraduate,CIC,College of Information and Communications |
Faculty |
Ittner-McManus, Renée |
Instructor |
803-622-4054 |
mcmanusi@mailbox.sc.edu |
Visual Communications,Sports Media,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Faculty |
Jackson, Margaret Cook, MFA |
Cocky's Reading Express Coordinator |
Instructor |
803-777-2169 |
cookmh@email.sc.edu |
Faculty-iSchool,South Carolina Center for Community Literacy,SCCCL,iSchool |
Staff |
James, Rushondra J., Ph.D., LMSW |
Assistant Dean for Student Success |
803-777-7066 |
jamesrj@mailbox.sc.edu |
student services, cic |
CIC,College of Information and Communications,Student Services-Undergraduate,Staff,Administration |
Faculty |
Jenkins, Bryan Michael, Ph.D. |
Research Assistant Professor |
jenkinb4@mailbox.sc.edu |
SJMC Graduate Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Faculty |
Johnson, Darin, Ph.D. |
Research Assistant Professor |
Bridge to Faculty Fellow |
803-777-3347 |
DJ67@mailbox.sc.edu |
SJMC Graduate Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Faculty |
Jun, Jungmi, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
803-777-4979 |
junj@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC Graduate Faculty,SJMC,Public Relations |
Faculty |
Kawooya, Dick, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
803-777-4949 |
kawooya@sc.edu |
bsis,information science, ischool |
Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Faculty |
Keisler, Jacqueline |
Instructor |
803-777-3321 |
keislejm@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,Public Relations |
Faculty |
Kim, Sei-Hill, Ph.D. |
Eleanor M. & R. Frank Mundy Professor |
803-777-7037 |
kim96@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc,public relations |
SJMC Graduate Faculty,Mass Communications,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Staff |
Kirkland, Carol |
External Relations and Partnerships |
803-777-5762 |
carolkirkland@sc.edu |
College of Information and Communications,CIC,Administration,Staff |
Faculty |
Kitzie, Vanessa Lynn, Ph.D. |
BSIS Lead |
CIC Associate Professor and Women’s and Gender Studies Faculty Affiliate |
803–777–1136 |
kitzie@mailbox.sc.edu |
faculty, |
Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Faculty |
Kornegay, Van |
Associate Professor |
803-777-6147 |
kornegay@sc.edu |
sjmc,viscom,visual communications |
Visual Communications,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Staff |
Lanford, Seth |
IT Consultant |
803-777-6496 |
sethl@mailbox.sc.edu |
IT Staff,College of Information and Communications,CIC,Staff |
Staff |
Law, Kara |
Assistant Dean of Administration and Finance |
803-777-5066 |
lawkh@mailbox.sc.edu |
College of Information and Communications,CIC,Administration |
Faculty |
Lewis, Elise C., Ph.D. |
Instructor |
803-777-4688 |
elewis@sc.edu |
information science |
iSchool,Faculty-iSchool,Information Science |
Faculty |
Long, Jacob, Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
803-777-3315 |
jacob.long@sc.edu |
Mass Communications,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,SJMC Graduate Faculty |
Staff |
Manuel, Shaina |
Academic Advisor |
803-777-5067 |
manuelsn@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff,Student Services-Undergraduate,Academic Advisors,CIC |
Faculty |
Martin, Stephanie |
Adjunct Faculty |
stephaniemartin@sc.edu |
Public Relations,SJMC,Adjunct Faculty,Faculty-SJMC |
Faculty |
Maye, Carmen, J.D., Ph.D. |
Senior Instructor |
803-777-3301 |
cmaye@sc.edu |
sjmc,advertising |
SJMC,Advertising,SJMC Graduate Faculty,Faculty-SJMC |
Staff |
Maye, Sherina Sanders |
Human Resources Specialist |
803-777-4105 |
smaye@mailbox.sc.edu |
College of Information and Communications,Staff |
Faculty |
McCartin, Lyda Fontes, Ph.D. |
Director, School of Information Science |
Professor |
803-777-2177 |
mccartil@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-iSchool,College of Information and Communications,Administration,iSchool |
Staff |
McClure, Sabrina |
Undergraduate Academic Advisor |
803-777-2818 |
mcclursm@mailbox.sc.edu |
Academic Advisors,Student Services-Undergraduate,CIC,College of Information and Communications,Staff |
Faculty |
McGill, Denise Ann |
Associate Professor |
803-777-8707 |
mcgilld@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc,viscom, visual communications |
Visual Communications,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Faculty |
McMullen, Mark J. |
Adjunct Faculty |
Senior Vice President - Membership and Marketing; Knights of Columbus |
203-361-6382 |
mm138@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,Adjunct Faculty |
Staff |
Millare, Dennson R. |
Social Media Insights Lab Analyst |
803-777-9915 |
dmillare@mailbox.sc.edu |
CIC,College of Information and Communications,Staff |
Faculty |
Mohammadi, Ehsan, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
803-777-2324 |
ehsan2@sc.edu |
slis |
Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Faculty |
Moore, Jennifer E., Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
JM328@mailbox.sc.edu |
iSchool,Faculty-iSchool |
Staff |
Moorer, Terri S. |
Business and Grants Manager |
803-413-6114 |
moorert@mailbox.sc.edu |
cic |
College of Information and Communications,CIC,Staff |
Faculty |
Mortensen, Tara Marie, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
803-514-7015 |
taram@sc.edu |
sjmc,viscom, visual communications |
Visual Communications,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,SJMC Graduate Faculty |
Staff |
Morton, Alec Nathaniel |
Visual Communications Coordinator |
am345@mailbox.sc.edu |
CIC,Staff,Communications and Events,College of Information and Communications |
Faculty |
Muller, Brad |
Adjunct Faculty |
803-777-1403 |
mullerb@mailbox.sc.edu |
Adjunct Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Faculty |
Newman, Erin |
Instructor |
803-777-6898 |
newmanee@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Faculty |
Novin, Alamir, Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
803-590-2652 |
anovin@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Faculty |
Owen, Clay |
Professor of Practice |
803-777-4464 |
ckowen@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Staff |
Parker, J. Scott |
Communications Director |
803-777-2696 |
j.scottparker@sc.edu |
College of Information and Communications,Communications and Events,CIC,Administration |
Faculty |
Peterson, Rick |
Senior Instructor |
803-777-5203 |
rspeter@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc,broadcast journalism |
SJMC,Broadcast Journalism,Journalism,Faculty-SJMC |
Faculty |
Porter, Jason |
Instructor |
803-777-3302 |
jasonporter@sc.edu |
Visual Communications,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Faculty |
Purday, Marcia Cook, APR |
Instructor |
803-318-3188 |
purday@sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,Advertising,SJMC |
Faculty |
Rantin, Bertram |
Adjunct Faculty |
rantin@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,Adjunct Faculty |
Faculty |
Rathbun-Grubb, Susan R., Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
803-777-0485 |
srathbun@mailbox.sc.edu |
slis |
Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Staff |
Reed, Austin |
Development Coordinator |
803-777-0457 |
ar143@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff,CIC,College of Information and Communications,Alumni Relations and Development |
Faculty |
Reichert, Tom, Ph.D. |
Dean |
803-777-6361 |
reichert@sc.edu |
CIC, administration, dean |
Advertising,Administration,College of Information and Communications,SJMC Graduate Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,CIC |
Faculty |
Robertson, Brett W., Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
Mass Communications Sequence Head |
803-777-6783 |
br31@mailbox.sc.edu |
SJMC Graduate Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,Mass Communications,SJMC |
Faculty |
Robin, Mahmudul H. |
Instructor |
956-833-2445 |
mr187@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Faculty |
Robinson, Eric P., J.D., Ph.D. |
Reid H. Montgomery Freedom of Information Chair |
Associate Professor, SJMC; Academic Affiliate, USC Joseph F. Rice School of Law |
803-777-9290 |
erobinso@mailbox.sc.edu |
SJMC, Journalism |
SJMC,Faculty-SJMC,Mass Communications,SJMC Graduate Faculty |
Faculty |
Robinson, Manie |
Sports Media Instructor |
803-777-3314 |
mr65@mailbox.sc.edu |
Sports Media,SJMC,Multimedia Journalism,Faculty-SJMC,Journalism,Broadcast Journalism |
Faculty |
Rogers, John "Parks" |
Instructor |
252-406-1246 |
jr140@mailbox.sc.edu |
SJMC,Adjunct Faculty,Faculty-SJMC |
Staff |
Rolli, Rachel Nichole |
Director of Human Resources |
803-576-8001 |
rachelrolli@sc.edu |
cic |
Staff,Administration,College of Information and Communications,CIC |
Faculty |
Romanski, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
romanski@mailbox.sc.edu |
Adjunct Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Faculty |
Rucker, Ryan David, Ed.D. |
Instructor |
803-777-7835 |
rucker@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Faculty |
Sadiwskyj, Lena |
Adjunct Faculty |
sadiwskl@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,Broadcast Journalism,SJMC,Adjunct Faculty |
Staff |
Seigler, Kat |
Assistant Director of Development |
803-777-6931 |
katseigler@sc.edu |
Staff,CIC,College of Information and Communications,Alumni Relations and Development |
Staff |
Shikle, Hannah |
Academic Advisor |
803-777-7048 |
hshikle@email.sc.edu |
Academic Advisors,Student Services-Undergraduate,CIC,College of Information and Communications,Staff |
Faculty |
Shulleeta, Brandon Paul |
Instructor |
803-777-6165 |
shulleeb@email.sc.edu |
SJMC,Broadcast Journalism,Faculty-SJMC,Journalism |
Staff |
Singleton-Lee, Teresa |
Student Services Administrative Coordinator |
803-777-0068 |
singl229@mailbox.sc.edu |
Student Services-Undergraduate,CIC,Staff |
Staff |
Smedberg, Amy |
Scholastic Media Program Manager |
smedbera@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff,College of Information and Communications |
Faculty |
Smith, Laura K., Ph.D. |
Senior Instructor |
803-777-5232 |
lksmith@sc.edu |
broadcast, sjmc |
SJMC Graduate Faculty,SJMC,Journalism,Faculty-SJMC,Broadcast Journalism |
Faculty |
Smith, Taylor M., IV |
Adjunct Faculty |
843-908-4194 |
smithtm2@email.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Spiering, Jenna, Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor and School Library Concentration Coordinator |
803-777-1676 |
spiering@mailbox.sc.edu |
iSchool,Faculty-iSchool |
Faculty |
Stevens, Wesley Elizabeth, Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
803-777-5913 |
ws16@mailbox.sc.edu |
SJMC,Mass Communications,SJMC Graduate Faculty,Faculty-SJMC |
Staff |
Stewart, Daniel M., III |
Manager of Technical Services |
Broadcast Engineer |
803-777-8410 |
stewa263@mailbox.sc.edu |
staff, sjmc, IT |
SJMC,IT Staff,Staff |
Staff |
Stryffeler, Dora |
Recruiter |
803-777-4028 |
dstryffe@sc.edu |
cic, student services, advisor, |
Staff,College of Information and Communications,CIC |
Faculty |
Sucich, John |
Adjunct Faculty |
jsucich@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Tanner, Andrea, Ph.D. |
Professor |
Associate Dean, South Carolina Honors College |
803-576-5633 |
atanner@sc.edu |
sjmc,broadcast journalism,director |
SJMC Graduate Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Faculty |
Thompson, Kim M., Ph.D. |
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs |
Professor |
803-777-0224 |
KimThompson@sc.edu |
slis |
Administration,Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Faculty |
Thore, Heather |
Adjunct Faculty |
336-239-3027 |
thore@mailbox.sc.edu |
iSchool,Faculty-iSchool,Adjunct Faculty |
Faculty |
Tu-Keefner, Feili, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
803-777-1026 |
feilitu@sc.edu |
slis |
Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Faculty |
Turner, Anna |
Instructor |
803-777-2050 |
stevenaj@mailbox.sc.edu |
Adjunct Faculty,SJMC,Faculty-SJMC |
Faculty |
Urmey, Wyatt |
Instructor |
wurmey@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Staff |
Vess, Margaret |
Alumni Relations Manager |
mvess@mailbox.sc.edu |
CIC,Alumni Relations and Development,Staff |
Faculty |
Waddell, Eileen |
Instructor |
803-261-6533 |
eileenrw@mailbox.sc.edu |
Eileen Waddell |
Journalism,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,Multimedia Journalism |
Faculty |
Walker, Kristin |
Instructor |
803-777-5998 |
kristin_walker@sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |
Staff |
Walker, Megan |
Administrative Manager |
803-777-3244 |
meganf@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff,SJMC |
Faculty |
Watson, Shana |
Adjunct Faculty |
Assistant Principal Rhodos Fellows |
803-576-7309 |
watsoncs@mailbox.sc.edu |
iSchool,Faculty-iSchool,Adjunct Faculty |
Faculty |
Waymer, Damion, Ph.D. |
Director, School of Journalism and Mass Communications |
Professor |
803-777-4979 |
dwaymer@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC,SJMC Graduate Faculty,Administration |
Faculty |
Webster, Larry J., Jr. |
Adjunct Faculty |
webstelj@email.sc.edu |
SJMC,Faculty-SJMC,Adjunct Faculty |
Faculty |
Wen, Taylor, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
803-777-3312 |
jwen2@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc, advertising, |
SJMC,Advertising,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC Graduate Faculty |
Faculty |
Williams, Jeffrey S., MFA |
Advertising Sequence Head |
Senior Instructor |
803-777-6827 |
jeffwill@mailbox.sc.edu |
advertising, SJMC |
SJMC,Advertising,Faculty-SJMC |
Faculty |
Williams, Rachel D., Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
803-777-3321 |
rw63@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-iSchool,iSchool |
Faculty |
Wu, Linwan, Ph.D. |
Associate Dean for Research |
Associate Professor |
803-777-0771 |
linwanwu@mailbox.sc.edu |
sjmc, advertising |
Faculty-SJMC,Advertising,Administration,SJMC Graduate Faculty,SJMC |
Faculty |
Xiao, Anli, Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
803-777-6093 |
axiao@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty-SJMC,SJMC Graduate Faculty,SJMC,Public Relations |
Faculty |
Zambrano Rodriguez, Viviana Carolina, Ph.D. |
Research Assistant Professor |
vivianaz@mailbox.sc.edu |
SJMC Graduate Faculty,Faculty-SJMC,SJMC |