- Unick JL, Pellegrini CA, Dunsiger SI, Demos KE, Thomas JG, Bond DS, Lee RH, Webster J, Wing RR. An adaptive telephone coaching intervention for patients in an online weight loss program: A randomized clinical trial. 2024. JAMA Network Open. 2024; June 3;7(6)e2414587.
- Lee, J., Chen, S., Bartholomew, V., Kicsak, K., Pellegrini, C, Yang, C-H. Associations between daily movement behaviors, sleep, and affect in older adults: An ecological momentary assessment study. Current Issues in Sport Science. 2024. 9(1),003.
- Jamieson, S., Devivo, K., Horn., K., Moxley, J., Pellegrini, C. Effects of aerobic, resistance, and combined exercise program on arthritis related symptoms. Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society. 2024. 1(65): 104-108.
- DeVivo, KE., Yang, C, & Pellegrini, CA. Examining the Agreement Between the activPAL micro4 and ActiGraph GT9X Accelerometers on Daily Movement Behaviors Among Adults With Total Knee Replacement. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour. 2024. 7(1): 1-10.
- Pellegrini, CA, Burkhart, L., Ramey, K., LaVela, S.L. Measuring overweight and obesity in persons with spinal cord injury: What do health providers use and what are the challenges? 2023. Nov 25:usad468. Military Medicine.
- Unick, JL, Pellegrini, CA, Dunsiger, SI, Demos, KE, Thomas, JG, Bond, DS, Webster, J, Wing, RR. Characterization of early non-responders within Internet-delivered behavioral weight loss treatment. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2023. 48(1): 1-8.
- Pellegrini, CA, Wilcox, S., DeVivo, KE., Jamieson, S., Recruitment and retention strategies for underrepresented populations and adults with arthritis in behavioral interventions: a scoping review. Arthritis Care & Research. 2023. Sep;75(9):1996-2010.
- Pellegrini, CA, Brown, D, DeVivo, KE, Lee, J, Wilcox, S. Promoting physical activity via physical therapist following knee replacement: A pilot randomized controlled trial. PM&R: The Journal of Injury, Function and Rehabilitation. 2022; 1- 11.
- Huang WJ, Pellegrini CA, Chen MD, Huang WY, Kao T, Lee CF, Chien YC. The correlates and reference values for the 6-minute walk distance in Taiwanese adults with schizophrenia. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2022 Sep 24:1-6.
- Thiria, E., Pellegrini, C., Kase, B., DeVivo, K.¸ Steck, S. Health behavior and anxiety changes during the covid-19 pandemic among students, faculty, and staff at a US university. Journal of American College Health. 2022 Aug 5:1-8.
- LaVela, S., Pellegrini, C.A, Heinemann, A., Ehrlich-Jones, L.S., Bartle, B., Burkhart, E., Pederson, J. Development and evaluation of an educational curriculum for healthcare providers on overweight/obesity management in individuals with spinal cord injury based on diverse stakeholder engagement. Disability and Health Journal. 2022, 15(4).
- Stansbury ML, Harvey J, Krukowski RA, Pellegrini CA, Wang X, West DS. Describing transitions in adherence to physical activity self-monitoring and goal attainment in an online behavioral weight loss program: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2022;24(1):e30673.
- Chen, M., Hsuan, J., Pellegrini, C.A., Chen, H., Su, C., Chang, Y. The facilitators and barriers to physical activity scale for people with mental illness in Taiwan: development and validation. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2022 Aug;44(17):4879-4887.
- Strayhorn, J.C., Collins, L.M., Brick, T., Marchese, S., Pfammatter, A., Pellegrini, C.A., Spring, B. Using factorial mediation analysis to better understand the effects of interventions. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 2022 Jan 18;12(1):ibab137
- Payne, J., Kalarchian, M., Turk, M., Pellegrini, CA. Adherence to mobile-app-based dietary self-monitoring—impact on weight loss in adults. Obesity Science & Practice. 2022, 8:279-288.
- Smith, K.E., Mason, T.B., Wang, W., Schumacher, L.M., Pellegrini, C.A., Goldschmidt, A.B., Unick, J.L. Dynamic associations between anxiety, stress, physical activity, and eating regulation over the course of a behavioral weight loss intervention. Appetite. 2022 Jan 1; 168:105706.
- Stansbury, M., Harvey, JR, Krukowski, RA., Pellegrini, CA, Wang, X., West, DS. Distinguishing early patterns of physical activity goal attainment and weight loss in online behavioral obesity treatment. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 2021 Dec 14;11(12):2164-2173.
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- Smith, K.E., Mason, T.B., Schumacher, L.M., Pellegrini, C.A., Goldschmidt, A.B., Unick, J.L. Momentary affective response to bouts of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity predicts changes in physical activity and sedentary behavior during behavioral weight loss. Psychology of Sport & Exercise. 2021 Nov; 57:102056.
- Pellegrini, C.A., Burkhart, L., Jones, K., LaVela, S.L. Health provider-identified barriers and facilitators to weight management for individuals with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2021. 59, 1061-1071.
- Handlery, R., Stewart, J.C, Pellegrini, CA, Monroe, C., Hainline, G., Flach, A., Handlery, K. Physical activity in de novo parkinson's disease: daily step recommendation and effects of treadmill exercise on physical activity. Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal. 2021. Oct 1;101(10).
- Burkart, L., Pellegrini, CA, Jones, K., LaVela, SL. Strategies used by providers to support individuals with spinal cord injury in weight management: a qualitative study of provider perspectives. Spinal Cord Series and Cases. 2021, Jul 29:7(1):65.
- Pellegrini, CA, Lee, J, DeVivo, KE, Harpine, CE, Del Gaizo DJ, Wilcox, S. Reducing sedentary time using an innovative mhealth intervention among patients with total knee replacement: rationale and study protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 2021; 22:100810.
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- Handlery, R., Regan, E., Stewart, J., Pellegrini, C., Monroe, C., Hainline, G., Handlery, K., Fritz, S. Predictors of daily steps at one year post stroke: a secondary data analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Stroke. 2021, May; 52(5): 1768-1777.
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- Spring, B., Pfammatter, A.F., Marchese, S.M., Stump, T., Pellegrini, C.A., McFadden, H.G., Hedeker, D., Siddique, J., Jordan, N., Collins, L.M. A factorial experiment to optimize remotely delivered behavioral treatment for obesity: Results of the Opt-IN study. Obesity. 2020, 28(9): 1652-1662.
- Pfammatter, A.F., Hoffman Marchese, S., Pellegrini, C.A., Daly, E., Davidson, M., Spring, B. Using the preparation phase of the multiphase optimization strategy to develop a messaging component for weight loss: formative and pilot research. JMIR Formative Research. 2020, 4(5):e16297.
- Handlery, R., Fulk, G., Pellegrini, C.A., Stewart, J., Monroe, C., Fritz, S., Stepping After Stroke: Walking Characteristics in People with Chronic Stroke Differ Based on the Basics of Walking Speed, Walking Endurance and Daily Steps. Physical Therapy. 2020, 100(5); 807-817.
- Semanik, P., Lee, J., Pellegrini, C.A., Song, J., Dunlop, D.D., Chang, R.W. Comparison of physical activity measures derived from the Fitbit Flex and the Actigraph GT3x+ in an employee population with chronic knee symptoms. ACR Open Rheumatology. 2020, 2(1); 48-52.
- Unick, J.L., Pellegrini, C.A., Dunsiger, S.I., Demos, K.E., Thomas, J.G., Bond, D.S., Webster, J., Wing, R. DIAL Now protocol: A randomized trial examining the provision of phone coaching to those with sub-optimal early weight loss during an Internet weight management program. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2020, March, 90, 105953.
- Hoffman, S., Ledford, G., Cameron, K.A., Pellegrini, C.A. A qualitative exploration of social and environmental factors affecting diet and activity in knee replacement patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2019, April; 28(7-8):1156-1163.
- Gavin, K.L., Welch Morelli, W.A., Conroy, D., Kozey-Keadle, S., Pellegrini, C.A., Cottrell, A., Nielsen, A., Solk, P., Siddique, J., Phillips, S.M. Sedentary behavior after breast cancer: motivational, demographic and disease-specific correlates of sitting time in breast cancer survivors. Cancer Causes & Control. 2019, June; 30(6) 569-580.